Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wondering About Seeing Faces in Things.

I have always been able to see faces in things, especially wall paper designs.  So, I figured I would search the Internet and try to find pictures of things that look like faces.  I found a lot so instead of rambling on here, I will just post the pictures.  BTW, my wife and I are still not up to par but both of us are much better.  Here are the pictures and I hope you get a chuckle out of them and maybe a cringe out some others:


Apple Man:

Hugging carrots:

Green pepper faces:

Skulls growing on trees:

Now, this old washer or dryer or whatever it is, sure looks like it is on its last legs or at least is sick and ready to throw-up. 

And some vegetable can be real monsters, like this red bell pepper.  Look, it has a crown, so it must be royalty of some sort:

And if that is not scary enough, how about this one:

So, from now on, you better be real nice to all vegetables, you hear?


  1. Those are hilarious! I saw one recently which (maybe) was supposed to be the Virgin Mary.... in the sky.... At least the ones you show we aren't making shrines for and worshiping ;-) Maybe I should take my peppers off that casserole that's in the oven? Oops... too late.... they're already sliced, diced and baked.

    1. Yep, I got quite a few laughs when I was trying to find pictures to publish.

  2. I love the apple man1 i hope you and Mrs. Diz get better soon.

    1. The apple man reminds me of somebody I used to know, but I can't quite place who it was. Working on that, though.

  3. Skulls growing on trees? Amazing! Actually it's all amazing..... thanks.

  4. The 'Apple Man' looks like a Beane baby maybe :)

  5. Dizzy - I see faces in lots of things, too, especially lately in the doors of my house. Most are not too nice, though, so I tend to ignore them, but one just looks like maybe an old protective troll, maybe similar to what's his name, Gandolf ?, from the Hobbit series. Faces, of course, in clouds and bushes, but vegeiies - your's were pretty good!

    1. Yep, I can see faces in almost everything. I have a good imagination. But old fashioned wall paper takes the prize for the most faces per square foot (grin).
