Friday, January 9, 2015

Wondering About the First Robin.

We have been having some ugly, rainy, cold weather here lately.  Right now it is only 36 degrees outside with a light rain.  Makes it somewhat on the miserable side to be outside doing things.  At least I got my exercise in by carrying the garbage can down to the road for pickup later today. (I hope)  Sometimes they come on schedule and sometimes they just don't come.  Don't tell me to switch garbage pick-up companies because since WM (Waste Management) stopped service in my area because of too few customers, there has only been two choices, the company I am using now or take the stuff to the dump myself at a cost of $120.00 per visit and I only have a Jeep Liberty and can't carry much at all.

The weather didn't affect the birds coming to the feeders.  There were a lot of them.  I don't mean 5, 10, or 15, I mean 50 or 100 or more.  All kinds, all sizes, all colors.  But what really made our day was the spotting of the first robin.  Yep, just one robin.  Maybe he was a straggler and was just real late heading south or maybe he wanted to be the early bird and get the worm and was the first to head back north.  Either way, we enjoyed seeing him and hope that he wasn't too lost.  Normally, we see very few robins here, especially individuals.  When we do see them, they are usually in huge flocks of hundreds or thousands and they only stop over for very short periods of time, so it was really unusual seeing one lone robin in the back yard.  I hope it was a good omen of an early Spring.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. $120 a visit to dump your trash??? That sounds pretty outrageous to me.

    Robins were always common where I grew up in Cincinnati. Now I rarely see one, and when I do they aren't nearly as big as the ones I grew up with.

    1. I spent half my life living in Pennsylvania and always had robins around in the summer. I miss seeing them, so today was a pleasant surprise.

  2. I think you have lots more of your nasty weather headed your way.
    I looked out my kitchen window last week with the weather cold, wet, and windy, like today, and there in my crepe myrtle on a limb, were 4 or 5 birds all snuggled up tight, fluffed out feathers, and one sitting about a foot away. I don't think i've ever seen that, like, for real. i keep a large thing of water there, and think it's the only water from the river. Never have my camera at hand.

    1. I went to get my camera and the robin was gone by the time I got back to the window. Always late with the camera.

  3. It's low 40's here... and rainy. Yuck! I was feeding the birds... had mostly grackles and house sparrows... the park manager stopped by and told me that bird feeders aren't allowed here (except for hummingbird feeders)... guess too many undesirables come in... (not sure if that's us or the birds)... but doesn't look like we'll be staying at this place again.

    1. Maybe you could just "spill" some bird seed on the ground. Can you get in trouble for just being clumsy.

  4. 35 and dropping here with rain on and off. Supposed to turn to sleet later. I'm ready for SPRING!

    1. Been in the 30's here all day but it hasn't got down to freezing and probably will not.

  5. Have you had your winter? Last year I believe you said it was a Thursday. We are having ours, believe it will be called JanFebMarch.

    1. Actually, no we haven't. It has not been nice weather here, cool and rainy, but not winter yet. Maybe next Thursday.

  6. Saturday, January 10, 2015

    Hi Dizzy

    I used to pay only a dollar or two the last time I can remember going to a dump, that is reason to find a Walmart.

    Maybe to Robin decided to not make the complete trip south and is waiting in the area for the others to return?


    1. I can remember only paying a few bucks but the price kept inching up. One of these days garbage will be more expensive than groceries.

  7. Gosh Dizzy that is an awful lot to have to pay for a trip to the dump.

    I recycle and actually if I had to...could burn or drop my trash in a small bag at HEB or Walmart's trash cans in the parking lot. Then again mother and I do not generate much trash.

    1. We tend to get spoiled and I, for one, expect even garbage pick-up to be on schedule. I take the effort to carry them down to the road, which is quite a ways.

  8. Price is going up on just about everything, it seems. The store just raised the price of catfood and that could really get in my pocket!

    I may have to start feeding them what I eat... the cost would be about the same!

    1. My wife cooks for our dogs which usually starts out with ground turkey or eggs and vegetables. I have been known to steel some of the dog food before they got it.

  9. The cost for a small dumpster down here is $125 a month and I only have a few kitchen bags a month so it sure wouldn't pay for me to get one. I'd probably use less than a quarter of one each month. I pay 20 a month for use of one from a neighbor which works a lot better for me and them.

    1. Cooperation between neighbors is the best way. You got a good deal there.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I hope that robin isn't hurt or sick, so that is why he hasn't left yet.

    If one has a lot of garbage, they are probably eating pre-packaged processed food, which I don't.
    As I recycle all paper, cardboard, and plastic, I have very little garbage.
    Like others, I could just take it to the bin at the grocery store.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. Recycling is good. My son does a lot of that and he also has solar panels.
