Sunday, January 25, 2015

Son Made Us Raised Gardens.

Well, actually, he made us raised beds to plant with vegetables or flowers or both.  It is getting close to planting time and we wanted the new beds to have time to settle and weather a bit.  OK, I suppose you want to see some pictures?  OK, since you asked, this first one is of my son dumping dirt into the frames.  BTW, he also brought up one of his chain saws and cut the poles to fit. 

The two frames he made and the one on the left already full of good top soil:

And a closer picture of my son on his John Deere:

The tractor sitting in our drive way:

His wonderful wife came up and visited with my wife and I while her husband, our son, was working on the raised beds.  After he was done, she climbed aboard the tractor and was ready to head home.

And here they are riding off into the sunset. . . well, actually they were heading east, but you get the picture:

Here is a picture of the finished beds:

So, have any of you got your garden plots ready for planting?  Around here they plant potatoes on or before my birthday, which is Valentines Day.  Now you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Oh...... you make me so homesick for my "old" life... we were organic farmers... more "homestead" type than big business... but we had raised beds next to the house which were my herb and "kitchen" gardens. Your son's JD looks a lot like Bill's... but I think your son's is bigger... but... whatever... I can just taste the fresh lettuces, broccoli, zucchini ... and YES... the green onions! Oh... I so envy you you your garden!

    1. It ain't a garden until there are veggies or flowers growing in it along with some weeds. Can't forget the weeds. My son's tractor is a 5065 E. What does your hubby Bill have? I got a John Deere, too, but mine is a little lawn mower tractor.

  2. I'd love to have a garden again, too. Mine were never very good, but I think I'd try a little harder if I had one again. And I will... Someday. It must be nice to have a son with a big tractor who can do things like that for you. I'm looking forward to seeing them with things growing. You probably are, too. :)

    1. Yes, I sure would like to see things growing there but that will take a little time and effort.

  3. What a nice thing for your son to do for you! That is one nice looking tractor.

    1. It sure was nice of him and it sure is a nice tractor. His X-brother-in-law (who is still his friend) has implements that my son can borrow and visa versa since they both have tractors with the same hook-ups. The first think he wants to borrow is the back-hoe attachment.

  4. I so envy you Dizzy...a son with a tractor and a chain saw!

    How I would love to have someone cut down these horrible mesquite trees in mom's property.

    Back a lifetime ago when I was married, the ex and I tried to grow a garden but failed miserably. Have never had the desire to do it again. Good luck to you.

    1. My son collects chain saws. I did a blog on his collection awhile back when he cut a huge tree down that I sideswiped with the RV.

  5. Awesome!

    Garden planting in NH will be slightly delayed . . .

    1. I wonder why? Aren't we having global warming or was that only when Al Gore was VP?

  6. Dad always went by the ol Almanac, and yeah, had to have potatoes in the ground by then too. Also, went by the moon cycles too.

  7. Hey Trouble, I always tried to go by the Almanac and moon cycles but for some reason always planted before or after it said to. Just did it when I had time to or wanted to.
