Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wondering About Blue Leaves, etc.

The other day as I was walking around my driveway, I noticed a couple of small trees.  Yes, I know there are a lot small, medium, and large trees on my place. but these were a little bit different; they had blue leaves!!  I have always enjoyed the Autumn colors especially when I lived up north in the hardwood forests of western Pennsylvania.  Yes, the leaves do change colors here in East Texas but they don't change all at once like they do up north.  The only thing is, this is the first time I have seen blue leaves.  No, I don't think I am color blind and yes, I did take pictures.

There are a lot of natural things that are the color blue, the sky for instance and there are some that are artificial, like the Blue Man Group, remember them:

But leaves turning blue?  If someone had said that they had just seen some trees whose leaves turned blue, I would ask them what they were drinking or were they wearing blue tinted glasses.  But the fact is, there are a couple of small tress or bushes beside my driveway that have blue leaves.  OK, here are some pictures:
 See, I told you they were blue.  Do you know what kind of tree it is?
I am thinking that it is a small sweet gum tree, what do you think?
The last picture, I believe, shows the true color the best, or does the first picture show it the best?  Actually all three show the true color and the reason that there are some slight differences in color is that they were taken of different small trees.  Now, I sure don't want you all to have a blue day, but rather, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Never saw one. What do they change from?

    1. Green. . . same as most leaves only these turn blue in the Autumn.

  2. The blue leaves sure are distinctive, and pretty as well. I don't think I've ever seen them before. I miss all the shades of the reds, golds, and purple of the East.

    1. These turn blue every year, so it isn't just something in the air.

  3. I think your right Dizzy ,Mother nature has a mind of her own (I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree)

    1. Yep, and most all the trees are lovelier than me. . .

  4. All I know for sure is that I don't have them around here. Kinda cool looking.

    1. Yep, they sure are cool looking for sure. I can't recall ever seeing leaves this color before. Maybe an alien from the blue planet sowed some blue seeds. . .

  5. They sure are the shape of sweet gum, but so far, I've never seen them come in blue. I will say, though, that once we were on a cruise and the Blue Man (men) were the entertainment, and for once we went... what a waste of time... that performance did absolutely nothing for us. We never did figure out what it was all about... guess we're too dense... or too literal? I wonder about the blue leaves... if the PH of the soil or something like that determines the color of the leaves.....

    1. I have never seen the Blue Men and am not sure what they do. Do they sing? Actually I have no desire to see them. I bet they don't do bluegrass even though they are blue and probably smoke grass (grin).
