Thursday, November 20, 2014

Wondering; wife has hairy eyeball.

For the last week, my wife has been bothered by a slight irritation in her eye.  It didn't get any better, so she went to our eye doctor.  After a quick look, he determined that she had a couple of eyelashes that were growing backwards.  So, he did what had to be done. . . Yep, he plucked the two trouble makers out and now all is well.  So I joked and mentioned that she had hairy eyeballs!!

Just the thought of hairy eyeballs gave me the creeps.  So, of course I had to search the Internet to see if I could come up with a couple of pictures, and of course, the internet had them.  Here is the first one:

The other picture that I found looked more like a hairy eyeball monster man:

The doc also gave her some salve that would help do away with any inflammation and irritation.  She felt a lot better almost immediately.  We don't realize just how important our eyes are until something happens to them.  I am sure glad it all worked out and she is doing just fine.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. We found a good eye doctor for my lovely wife. She had a flap of eyeball torn loose and he was able to provide quick relief. Eye injuries worry me as I'm such a visual person.

    1. Dang!! I bet that was painful for your wife. The eye is so sensitive.

  2. Glad the wife got the "hairy eyeball" fixed up!

    1. Maybe I should have taken her to a barber for a shave (Grin).

  3. seen that before, probably one of my kids. They have long double the lashes as normal ppl... lol

  4. I have had that problem off and on throughout my life. It is so painful and irritating. I didn't know anything could be done for it except just lie through it.

    1. Any eye doctor should be able to fix it but you Ave to tell the doc what is wrong.

  5. Never heard of this before. Glad your wife is on the mend.

    1. We never heard of it either. She is sure glad it was an easy fix, although it hurt when the doc pulled them out.

  6. Reading your title, I was thinking that your wife was reading a mystery. I have read a book where a detective's boss was named Harry I. Ball.

    1. Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I see you are also RVers. Stop by again, anytime.

  7. ouch! growing backwards... what amazing creatures we are ...
