Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wondering About a Stealthy Night Visitor.

Just before I went to bed last night, I took the dogs out.  I don't have to go out with them, since they have a fenced in yard, but it was a beautiful, clear night and I was looking at the stars.  The Pleiades (Seven Sisters) constellation was directly over head and, of course, I was looking at it.  As I was standing out there looking up, a huge, silent object came out of the intense dark area under the trees to my right, went just a couple of feet over my head, and glided up into a tall tree to my left.  What impressed me the most was just how silent it was.  A huge flying object like that surely would have to make some noise.

This is what I first thought it was:

But it turned out to be a Barred Owl.

They are an impressive sight, especially when they are that close!!

Of course, most of us see them in the daytime just sitting in a tree resting up for the upcoming night's hunt.

There are quite a few of them around here and I just love to hear their calls.  The have quite a repertoire.  The following is a link to a YouTube video that will let you hear their vocalizations:

I love these birds and love to listen to their calls and conversations.  Now, you all have a great day and a great night to night, you hear?


  1. Oh Wow! Who Cooks for you? One of my favorites! But, wouldn't it be neat to see in person that guy in the first photo? Looks like something that would have you for dinner!

    1. Yes that would be impressive to see, but if you did, it may be the last sight you would ever see. . .

  2. A couple of them hang around my place. Love -em.

    1. They are nice to have around and they get rid of unwanted rodents, too.

  3. It was good you went out with the dogs, the owl might have come in lower and snatched up one them.

    1. I was wondering if it was coming after the dogs and then spotted me and just buzzed me on its way back up to a tree. I have heard of them picking up cats.

  4. I think I can see a group of stars that might be the Pleiades through my binoculars. I don't have very good views from my place for stargazing.

    1. They are a close cluster of seven stars, that is why they are also called the seven sisters and thy sit in bluish haze. You can see the haze with a good pair of binoculars on a clear night. The night sky is a beautiful thing, especially if you know where to look and what to look for. The bigger the telescope the more it reveals.

  5. It would have scared the heck out of me!

  6. Me kids brought in a baby great horned owl, and we raised it. It had a huge wing span, and would fly right up to you, then drop. I always ducked, lol. I hear them from the river, and sometimes closer.
    We always called em hoot owls. and that was his (her) name, Hoot.

    1. How long did you have the pet owl? I bet he was fun and kept the mice down.

  7. I love them too .... I have seen little baby ones pointed out to me by a motel owner in Estes Park, Colorado ... they nest there ... I about squealed myself silly trying to stifle the squeals! AND I have been to the bird shows where the owls fly so silently ... just spectacular creatures.

    1. Yep, one of Mother Nature's best works. They are perfectly suited for night life.
