Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wondering About an Early Christmas Gift.

My wife ordered a Christmas gift for me.  Guess what?  It was delivered yesterday, so I am having my Christmas early this year (grin).
Santa Claus wasn't wearing his regular red suit, I guess it is too warm here this time of year to wear a heavy red wool coat.  He was dressed in brown, shorts and shirt, with "UPS" embroidered on his shirt.  Hey, Santa can wear what ever he pleases, who am I to argue with him especially when he was bearing gifts.  But, unlike the Santa dressed in red who leaves gifts under the tree, I had to get it into the house myself.  Oh yes, now I know why. . . we didn't have a Christmas tree to put it under and if we did, it wouldn't fit under one anyway.
OK, I kept you in suspense long enough.  The gift was a La-Z-Boy rocker/recliner.  Oh wow!!  Just what I wanted.  My wife has one and I used to have one, but mine bit the dust some time ago.
Anyway, I tried it out and it is great, but I made on big mistake.  I got up out of it to get something and when I went to sit back down this is what I saw: 

The flash didn't go off in the above picture so it didn't show the color of the chair.  The next picture is closer to the color but not quite.  It is browner than what the picture shows:
OK, got to hurry up and post this blog.  Why?  Because my wife just fed the dogs and they are all eating and maybe I can reclaim my chair. .  . oops, waited too long.  You can sure tell who runs this household. . . Dogs rule!!  The youngest dog got left out, but I am sure that she will sneak up there when the other two are somewhere else.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. That is a beautiful chair, and it looks like it came with two "pillows". Haveyou even had a chance to sit in it yet?

    1. I do like the new chair and I can sit on it when the dogs are eating their dinner (grin).

  2. Love my Lay z boy. Just had a nap in it.

    1. I haven't had a chance to have any Zs in Lay "Z" boy.

  3. Uh oh... guess Santa has to bring another chair for you??? This one has gone to the dogs!

    1. If I got another chair, then there would be one dog in each chair!! As it is now, the youngest dog, so far, is staying on her doggie pillow.
