Monday, November 17, 2014

Still Wondering About Music.

Yes, I know I have posted a couple of music related blogs lately, but heck, since I am on a roll, why not try one more.  I have told you before about the Hootenanny TV shows that were filmed on college compasses including Penn State where I attended.  Folk music was very popular at the time, the early 1960's (I graduated from high school in 1961).  I really loved folk music and still enjoy it today.

Well guess what, on this date back in 1958, the Kingston Trio's "Tom Dooley" hit number one on the Billboard pop chart.  We all remember Tom Dooley and I still sing and play it today.  It was a hundred year old song that they re-introduced, with great success, I must say.

Did you ever wonder what was the inspiration for such a sad folk song?  Well, even if you didn't, I am going to tell you anyway.  Back in May 1, 1868, a man named Tom Dula was hanged for the murder of his fiancée.  The newspapers covered the trial extensively it became a national topic.  Tom Dula proclaimed his innocence even as he stood on the gallows.  So, hang down your head, Tom Dula, you are about to die.  I guess the name was changed to Tom Dooley for the song.  OK, you all try to get that song out of your heads today and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I like the Doc Watson version a thousand times better than the Kingston Trio's.

    1. Not sure if I ever heard Doc Watson, although his name is real familiar. Surely I have heard his music. I will have to do some research now that you got me interested.

  2. Of all songs to have stuck in my head. Hangin' from a wild oak tree........lemme get mah bango

  3. Hi human, Dizzy-Dick,

    Your music trivia has got my ridiculous human, Gary, singing that song. Thanks a lot!

    Pawsitive wishes

    Penny :)

    1. You are quite welcome, just howl along with him.
