Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Visitor to the Bird Feeder.

We get a lot visitors to our bird feeder and they are not all birds.  We used to get a lot of squirrels but I guess they found easier picking somewhere else where they didn't have to worry about me plinking at them with a BB pistol.  That pistol shoots so weakly it wouldn't break the skin and you had to shoot way high to get anywhere close to where you wanted to hit, but it scared the squirrels.  So now, we have had a big ole rabbit squeeze through the dogs' yard fencing and eat the bird seed that the sloppy birds spill on the ground.  I snapped a picture of him or her just the other day:
Can't see the rabbit?  Here, I will crop the picture for you:

That is all I have for today except to say that it was abnormally cool this morning, but it sure did feel refreshing as we walked through the flea market.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. After my bro put up my martin house, i used to sit out there and shoot at the sparrows with my pellet gun,, hahaha,, so rarely hit one. Now it's blown to pieces, and no birds anyway. Roof and walls gone.

    1. That will give you a project for this winter, repair the old one or build a new Martin house.

  2. I guess a rabbit now and then wouldn't be so bad, but I hate those squirrels!

    1. I don't bother the rabbits. If the dogs have to go out, they will chase the rabbits quickly out of their yard.
