Monday, October 13, 2014

Wondering Where the Storms Will Go?

We planned to go get some supplies this morning, but the TV said that we were under severe storm warnings and possible tornadoes.  I believe by now they have reduced it to severe storms with hail.  Here is the last radar image that was posted on myfoxhouston weather.  If you click on that link, you can see the most recent weather map.  Here is a screen shot I took to show you:

We live just a few miles east of Conroe and the front is heading this way.  The individual storms are moving from southwest to northeast and the front is moving from northwest to sourtheast.  The wind has picked up and it is raining now.

Since I started writing this blog, just a few minutes ago, it has moved quite a ways.  Here is another screen shot:

But this front will cool things down and will give us absolutely beautiful weather for the rest of the week.  I sure hope all of you will have beautiful weather and I want you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. It came thru here right after 5am, not much to it, very little rain. Wind is really blowing now.

    1. Got to have fronts like this come through this area to clean out the humidity. I am going to like the weather following this front.

  2. We got over an inch of rain last night.. today is cloudy and VERY windy! I drove into Ft Worth and could feel the gusts hit the Scion. Do y'all have tumbleweeds over there? Don't seem to be any here - I loved seeing them when we lived in NM... all piled up along fences... and blowing across the road big as bushel baskets....

    1. When I lived up north of Fort Worth, we had tumbleweeds all over the place. Some grew in my yard and even when they were just sprouting and green they would stall out my rotary push mower. I loved seeing them blow across the road in front of you like deer scampering across the road.

  3. While we don't have that kind of system in our radar, after climbing up to 91 today the rest of our week will be in the 70's. I think a snowstorm would clear up my allergies real fast.

    1. This cool, dry air blowing in from the northwest now feels really good. It is suppose to get rather cold tonight, they say it may get down in the 50's.

  4. That's not Santa Clause you hear up on the roof. This system suppose to hit us tomorrow night. Stay safe.

    1. It is suppose to get worse as it goes east. Big old front just might hit you, too.

  5. Hope my in-laws in TX are making out Okay. Keep your feet dry and your hat on. :)

    1. Wasn't as bad as I expected here, but did gets lots of rain and wind. Tree limbs down and only a short "brown out". You may want to call them to check. There were some twisters east and northeast of us.

  6. I suppose that is what is bearing down on AL now. Thanks (not sincere)

    1. Oh so sorry, but we had to send it somewhere (grin).
