Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wondering What My Son Purchased.

My son has been talking about getting a bigger tractor for our place than the John Deere lawn tractor that I have.  My larger Farmall bit the dust a couple of years ago and the place is reverting back to its wild state.  So, last night he pulls in with this:

Sorry that it wasn't brighter.  It was one of those "oops" moments.

Then I tried to not use the flash, but the camera decided it needed to hold the shutter open for a longer time and of course I couldn't hold it still long enough, but at least you can get an idea of what he brought home:

So, I can safely say that all the pictures can be classified as:

But, I am going to post them anyway.  BTW, the trailer was also purchased with the tractor.  Here are some more blurry pictures:

I promise to get some better pictures sometime in the future.  Now, I hope your day isn't blurry and please have a great day, you hear?


  1. OOOO WOW, and you do your yard with this? WOW

    1. No, I just have a little yard tractor that can do nothing but mow. This is the new one that my son just bought and I will not ask to operate it. I wouldn't want to hurt it in any way. And yes, he will cut everything with it.

  2. I keep telling my wife I don't have even one tractor. Good thing I've got friends with tractors.

    1. My son plans on "farming" himself and the tractor out to people who need tractor work done and are willing to pay.

  3. Nice blurry pictures, Dizzy ... nice tractor!

    1. I didn't have my reading glasses and couldn't see the camera settings. I promise, I will get some better pictures.

  4. I tried to leave a comment but don't know where it went!

    That is one heckuva nice looking tractor!

  5. WoooHoooo... what a beauty! And all those accessories... he'll have a great time with that. Nothing like a John Deere to put a smile on a guy's face.

    1. I told him to pick up a couple of John Deere caps, one for him and one for me. BTW, he is getting married this coming Saturday. This must be his week (grin).

  6. I could use a tractor like that out at my place I'm jealous. My place wouldn't be nothing but dirt if I had that setup.

    1. He is going to make good use of it on our place, too. He is planning on moving dirt to the middle of my six acre or more swamp, reclaiming land for a huge garden and making three deeper ponds. I already have two ponds, but the oldest original one is filling in and needs dug out.
