Monday, October 27, 2014

Wondering What Came in the Cereal Box

Can you remember back when the cereal companies came up with the idea to put things in their cereal box (like toys, whistles, or gadgets) and things on the back of the boxes that kids could cut out and, put together, and play with?  I am talking about when I was kid back in the late 40's and early 50's.

We came across an old metal ring that I got out of a box of cereal and I took a picture of it beside a dime to show relative size:

We sent this picture to a friend of ours and he sent us a picture he found on the Internet of the box that they came in:

I don't remember the box, but I do remember all the stuff I used to get.  I really enjoyed the cut outs on the back of the boxes, especially the ones of buildings and animals.  Here is a building example:
  They also had all kinds of faces we kids could cut out, tie strings to them, cut out the eyes, and presto!, we had a mask.  Here are some examples of them:

I had all of the above and lots more.  Not only did my Mom save them for me but so did my Grandma.  They saved the masks and the cutout animals, houses, etc.  I guess back in those days it didn't take complicated stuff or electronic games to keep kids happy and amused.  If we didn't have the right toy or object, we used our imaginations.  If the weather permitted, we were outside playing.  Now, try to remember all the great things you did when you were young, tell about it to the younger generation, and please have a great day, you hear? 


  1. I remember the toys in the cereal! I remember pestering my Mom for this one or that one based on the toy on the box... This is late 50's- early 60's.

    1. Yep, I remember those, too. I was about 10 or so years earlier, the late 40's- early 50's. My first son was born in '65 and my next one in '69 so it wasn't long after that that they started dictating which cereal to buy.

  2. I couldn't eat the cereal fast enough to get to the toys and play with the box.

    1. That is why they put the cut-outs on the box and the toys inside. The faster you eat it the more they can sell.

  3. I don't think you could tell the kids today in words they would even understand. Life was a lot less complicated then. There is no going back - or I would hate to think of what would happen to make us go back.

    1. I loved to listen to my grandparents when asked to tell about the good old days. Like you say, I don't think todays kids could understand what we used to call fun. One thing we did was sit on Grandpa's porch swing and tell spooky stories. Then maybe sing some songs. Much better than watching TV in today's world.

  4. Dizzy - my 4 year old grandson Henry and I sit in the driveway and draw chalk pictures, and he never gets tired of hitting the windchime with his :special" stick to make it sing. We play checkers, and make mud for his trucks to roll through. And he and his Papa fly fold-up airplanes. But, he also knows how to play video games and have my Nook read books to him. It's all in what you expose kids to, and cereal prizes were some of the best memories for this kid - even if I had to share!

    1. You are a special grandma, and I bet your grandson thinks you are really great!!

  5. I remember them all! My favorite was the cut-outs of the steam trains from the Great Locomotive Chase movie. Loved those trains even way back when!

    1. The steam trains were special, since my grandpa retired as an engineer on a steam locomotive. Somewhere there is a picture of hem holding me up at the cab window.
