Friday, October 24, 2014

Wondering About the Tomb Sentinels.

Ed left a comment on my blog posting yesterday.  This is what he said:
"When honoring the Unknown Soldier please also honor the Tomb Sentinels from the Army's 3rd Infantry Regiment's "The Old Guard".  They have guarded the Tomb for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year regardless of the weather, since 1948."

OK Ed, I am posting about the Sentinels.

This is a Tomb Guard Badge: 
It never gets too cold for them:

Nor too much snow:

So, no matter if it is snowing:

Or raining:

They are on guard proudly doing their duty.  We should all honor the unknown soldier for what he fought and died for, and the honor guard who, since April 6, 1948 have been on duty at the tomb, where they walk 21 steps one way, turn and walk 21 steps back the other way. . over and over again.

They are part of the 3rd Infantry which has served this Nation since 1784 and were first called "The Old Guard".  They do more than just guard the tomb, they escort the President, conduct ceremonies at the White House, Pentagon, and national memorials in our Capitol, including funeral details and ceremonies at Arlington National Cemeteries.  Most of this information came from

OK Ed, is that what you suggested?  Now you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Thanks for the tribute to the unknown soldier, and also to the Old Guard who watch over the tomb round the clock.

    1. You are welcome. They fought to keep us free. Let us not give that freedom away!!
