Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wondering About a Frog.

My wife set up at the Flea Market this weekend and did fairly well.  She got rid of a lot of stuff that we could live without, and in doing so, brought in enough to pay for the table rent at the Flea Market and made enough extra to bring home a few bucks.  The weather was perfect, not too hot and not too cold.  It couldn't have been better.  Now, we are both tired out.

Last Friday, I spotted this little frog sitting on some trim around my home.  He (or she) was about an inch long.  Its coloring looked like moldy granite to me.

In the above picture, it looked dark, but in the following picture, he appears in his true color.  My what big eyes he has. . .

I am now going to relax for the rest of the evening and I want you all to enjoy yourselves, what ever you do, you hear?


  1. Frogs of all colors are in deep freeze here right now.

    1. And I bet you don't have mosquitoes either. There are a few disadvantages of having this warm weather.

  2. I LOVE FROGS! Live ones and concrete ones. That is such a cute one, and I've never seen that color!

    1. OK, now you got me wondering. Since you love all those kinds of frogs, how the heck do cook the concrete ones to make them eatable?

  3. Our daughters guineas and chickens eat all kinds of bugs.. they especially seem to like grasshoppers. But frogs... apparently they just plain don't like 'em. Maybe they have some yukky taste? I don't know... I do remember many years ago that the ducks (probably Peking or some other white breed) would happily scarf up the frogs that lived in the nearby creek... so why don't these guys like to eat frogs? Are Texas frogs tastier than Ohio frogs? Personally, I might eat frog legs or the such, but might say "Ewwwweeee" at the thought of eating some of the bullfrogs we have here in ??? Texas.

    1. Those Bull Frogs are the ones that supply the legs for your dinner (or for someone's dinner table).
      Maybe those guineas and chickens ate some of those nasty tasting toads, thinking they were frogs, and shy away from anything that looks like a toad.

    2. We raised a great horned owl and it wouldn't eat frogs either, ate everything else.

  4. We have lots of frogs around our house that look a lot like that one. They are green and can hang forever on the windows. I call them sticky tree frogs, but really I have no idea:)

    1. "Sticky Tree Frogs", seems to fit perfectly. Good name for them and easy to remember.
