Sunday, October 5, 2014

Wondering About the Alligator at the Flea Market.

What a surprise, there was an alligator at the flea market this morning.

Maybe I better explain.  Remember the friend of ours that I told about in a couple of my past blog posts?  No, well you can click on the following two links to refresh your memories:

We ran into him at the flea market this morning and look at what he bought:

And a picture at another angle:

Hay look Ma, It has teeth!!
Of course its eyes were kind of dazed (grin).  If you turned him upside down, you could see the stitches the whole way up his bottom side.  He must have been a sick puppy to have a surgical scar that long!!  Oh yeah, I guess he didn't survive the operation.
On another point, our friend (not the alligator but the one holding it) told us that the people he used to work for in Nashville called and wanted him back.  He is seriously thinking about it.  If he goes, we will miss him and his pups.  Both my wife and I enjoy his company.  He always seems to liven things up wherever he goes.  We wish him well which ever route he takes.  He has until the end of the year before the new job starts.  Now, you all be careful when handling alligators and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I don't mind that kind of alligator at all. . . not that I'd want one on my desk . . .

    1. We have had a couple of close calls with them. They need to be respected. It is surprising how athletic they are.

  2. I may be one of those persons that fell recently... today I'm picking at scabs and tomorrow I get those blasted stitches out. Truthfully, the bug bites (ants? black flies?) we've been getting lately are far worse than those darned stitches. Now... about that alligator.... I'm assuming that selling a stuffed alligator is legal? I get mixed up on what's okay and what's not. I've volunteered at many NWRs where they have confiscated hides, etc and show the public what they can't do. Sometimes I wish I lived back in the days of Daniel Boone and we just grew or shot what we needed... no waste... no restrictions. Oh well.... did you buy the alligator?

    1. I did not buy the alligator, but my friend did. I was wondering the same thing about the legality of it, too. Now that this is posted, we may just find out. . .

    2. You can buy alligator hides from many places on the Internet, presumably taken from alligator farmed gators. I would guess that is where the stuffed one came from also but how do you prove where either the hides or the stuffed gator came from?

  3. Did you remember to ask him about Barry Kaye? The DJ.

    1. No I didn't. Sorry about that. I will write myself a note. That will work if I remember to read it (grin).

  4. Why is it that alligators seem to have such an evil grin?

    1. Don't you grin and show your teeth when you are looking at food? That is why they grin when looking at you. . .

  5. Different strokes for different folks. I would have never purchased it even if they had given it to me free, I would have politely declined.

  6. Well, I am glad that is not real. It would still give me a start if it were in a room I walked into. Did I say? I fell Saturday and have aches, sprains, and bruises all over me. Actually, I fell/stepped through a floor and my whole top of my body was slammed down, so I count it a fall. I can barely walk today.

    1. OOO WOW! Soooo Sorry. It's been a week tomorrow, and my elbows still have a ways to go, i CAN reach my mouth with a fork, to eat now.

    2. Practical, Ouch!! I bet that sure did hurt. Like Trouble says, "Soooo Sorry".

  7. Pretty scary rascal. The gator, not the friend!

    1. Well dang, I thought that they were both scary. . . (grin)
