Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wandering Through Our Haunted RV

Since Halloween is coming up and our newly acquired grandkids where going to a "Trunk and Treat" at the church, my wife suggested we fix up the RV as a scary, haunted house sort of thing.  So, we spent the afternoon getting it. . . I guess the closest description would be decorated?  I took some picture so you can decide.  Since we had all the electric lights turned off and only lit the interior with artificial candles, the flash went off on most of the pictures.  If you scare easily maybe you should stop reading now?!?!

This is the first thing they saw when entering:
 I left the slides in so they would only have a narrow path to take through the RV.  This next picture was taken before it got dark:
 All flat surfaces were covered with spooky and scary things:
 And way, way in the back, lit by only one candle on her tray, was an old hag who was guarding the candy which she had on tray.  She was also hiding behind a lot of spider and cobwebs.  Since she was way in the back, the kids had to walk all the way back through the scary stuff to get their treats.  Ain't we devious?
 Looking foreword:
 Now, the hard part, waiting until dark and until the kids get back from the "trunk and treat".  I tried to take some pictures as they would see it after dark:

 Sorry, I couldn't hold the camera still enough.  Of course I didn't realize that until I could see the pictures enlarged on the computer.  The kids were in costume, also.  Aren't they a good looking couple:

Now, if I haven't scared you too much, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Diz, you outdid yourself! That is one scary looking place, and I know the kids will enjoy it. You are just a big kid yourself, so you enjoy it too, and don't let the goblins get you!

    1. It was my wife's idea and she orchestrated everything except the cobwebs.

  2. I bet it was loads of fun. Looks great!

    1. It sure was. They said they wanted to come back in the day time to look at it. It wouldn't be as good in the daylight.

  3. I loved to old hag in the back! Did you ever figure that one out?
    Your grandkids looked great!

  4. No, I believe her motor is burned out. I didn't spend too much time on her. The spinning weight run by the motor just makes her rock back and forth.
    Yes, they did look great. Up until last weekend, I only had one grandson and he is in his mid 20's.

  5. My dad LOVED Halloween, well, anything he could scare of trick kids. Lots of times mom would get home after her 3-11 shift at the hospital and find the bedroom loaded with kids everywhere. He told them scary stories before bedtime... lololol. They begged for them the next time.

    1. Story telling is as much fun as listening to stories being told.
