Monday, September 8, 2014

Wondering About "Z".

The letter "Z" is the last letter in the alphabet but just because it is last there, it doesn't mean that it is slow.  In fact, it has to be a very fast letter.  Why?  Because everyone is trying to catch some Zs.  If people keep trying, those people must not be able to catch them, so they have to be fast, right?

I think it has a hard time making up its mind, also.  Just look at its shape.  It goes to the right, then it cuts down at an angle to the lower left, and finally, it goes to the right again.  I have known some people like that.

This letter seems to be a lively letter, going in all those direction.  Then why is it the last one in the alphabet.  Well, that is easy to answer.  If it were somewhere else in the alphabet, the expression "from A to Z" would then not have the same meaning. . .

OK, I guess I am talking in zig-zags.  Maybe I didn't get enough Zs last night.  I sure hope all of you got your needed number of Zs and you woke up this morning all bright eyed and bushy tailed.  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. I woke up to a very chilly morning (54F) and would have loved to stay in bed and catch some more Z's, but I have lots to do today.

  2. Now here I was thinking you were going to talk about the lost city of Z.

  3. Replies
    1. Yep, according to
      The definition of bushy-tailed is eager, ready and excited to do something, often used with “bright-eyed

    2. Yep that is the dictionary definition, but what is the real DD meaning I wonder?

    3. For you Barney it would be taking in the sights and having too much fun going on down the road.

  4. I used to think Zeta was the last letter of the (Greek) alphabet (and, no I don't know Greek)... then found out omega is. (am I correct about that?)... anyway... somehow Alpha to Omega just doesn't sound as strong as "A to Z". Where would zebras and zylophones be in toddlers alphabet books? I mean, who cares about oranges and orangatangs? I better quit before you decide to delete me.....

    1. Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet and Zeta is only the sixth one. You know, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and then Zeta.

  5. Woke up in the wee hours with something crawling on my neck, brushed it off, felt like a scorpion, so, here i go, lights on, bed turned inside out, looking on floor. Never found a thing. BUT, made sure it wasn't in the bed!

    1. I dumped a little white one out of my boot at my last full time job. Nasty little fellows. The big ones are not so bad. Maybe it was just your hair or the corner of the pillow case that was tickling your ear?

    2. I don't think I could go back to sleep until I had found it!

    3. Something like that can keep a person wide awake for sure.

    4. I looked good, then went back to sleep.

  6. Replies
    1. Yep, it sure does. I always liked the Zorro shows. The newest one was good, too. Maybe a little far fetched, but great entertainment.

  7. Love his post, Dizzy, just plain ole fun! And where would Dizzy be without the "Z" - just Diy? Doesn't seem to have the same conotation, does it? Oh, and Odd Essay, that's Xylophone, but we'll go along with you today - sure sounds like a Z, huh?
    Hope everyone has a really Zippy day!

    1. You are sure correct. I would rather be Dizzy then Do It Yourself (DIY).

  8. Zee is the American way of saying the letter z. Zed is the British way. The zed pronunciation is older, and it more closely resembles the Greek letter, zeta, from which the English letter is derived. And zed is closer to other languages’ spelling and pronunciation of the letter; for instance, the French say zède, German speakers say zet, and Spanish speakers say zeta. These are points in zed‘s favor.

    I found that Bulgarians also say zed when speaking English because of the British influence in their English education.

    1. Thanks for all the information. I did not know most of that.

  9. Replies
    1. I have been mistaken for them a couple of times.
