Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wondering About Earth's Center

What do you believe is at the center of our Earth?  Oh come on now, think of something and then put it in the comments at the bottom of this post.  First, tell us if you think it is solid or liquid.

After you get just a few feet under the surface away from the heating effect of the sun, you will find the coolest area under the earths surface.  That is why before refrigeration was widely available, fruit cellars where common in most homes.  The home I grew up in had a fruit cellar, a separate small room off the main cellar that had no windows and no access to the outside.  It was always nice and cool in there, even in the middle of the summer.

OK, lets start down from the Earth's surface.  For every 70 feet that you descend in a mine, the temperature goes up one degree Fahrenheit, or for you who prefer metric, it increases one degree Celsius for every forty meters of depth.  So why does it get warmer the deeper you go and the further away you get from the effects of the sun?  Most geologists believe that radioactive decay of deep interior stuff may be the cause of all that heat.  Heck, they can't fool me, that is where the Devil lives, right?

Now, we have gotten close to what is in the center, but we are not quite there yet.  So, what is in the center?  First of all, it is a place of zero gravity.  It also is a very wealthy place.  Most people think that the center of the Earth is liquid.  Heck, that is what I have always been taught, but now they are saying that it is solid.  It is made up of sturdy nickel-iron and is sprinkled with enough gold and platinum to pave the entire earth's surface one and half feet thick.  Now, I wouldn't recommend trying to put a mine down that deep, it would be impossible with any foreseeable technology.
 So, a journey to the center of the Earth would not be a very pleasant thing.  It sure wouldn't be like the old movie that showed a beautiful prehistoric place with dinosaurs, etc.  I prefer living on the surface of this earth where I can see the floral and fauna, don't you?  Now enjoy this beautiful Earth and have a great day, you hear?


  1. If there is gold in the center you can bet that there are fools who are trying to develop a way to get to it. I thought the center was liquid, so I've learned something today!

    1. I think it is very safe and no one will be able to get at it. If they did, the price of gold would drop to less than one cents a ton.

  2. Mind boggling isn't Dizzy now back to the Universe

  3. Solid/liquid??? I 'member one time when they said lard was bad for ya...or aggs....or butter

    1. I think ice cream is a health food. If not, it should be, cause it makes me feel good.

      The one thing about theories is that they can be updated or changed to suit the latest data.

  4. We use to keep our potatoes in a "pie", which was a container buried in the ground for folks who didn't have a root cellar or a fruit cellar. Guess if we buried it deeper, we could had fried taters.

    1. Yep, you would have to dig down to Hades to get them fried. . .

  5. I saw the movie with the dinosaurs & I liked it, that's my vote!

    1. I saw that movie, too. It took a lot of liberties. I guess that is why it called "fiction".

  6. So to have a center core, that would mean the earth is not flat? That just can't be correct:)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Too many typo mistakes, will try it again. . . Actually, all the surrounding things, like the moon and sun, are round, as are the planets that can be seen easily, so why shouldn't someone way back then figure that our own Earth is also round. Of course, then there were the ones who claimed it was flat. But you know the old joke. The moon is closer to us than Kansas. Why? Because I can see the moon from here but I can't see Kansas. (grin)

  7. "After you get just a few feet under the surface away from the heating effect of the sun, you will find the coolest area under the earths surface. That is why before refrigeration was widely available, fruit cellars where common in most homes."

    Below the frost line - usually about six feet deep – the earth is a constant temperature of about 50 degrees Fahrenheit all year long. That is why fruit cellars were also used during the winter to keep foods from freezing in cold climates.

    1. Ed, you are correct. I should have taken the time to explain it better. Thanks for setting us straight. Now, like Just a Stick suggested, I will get back to the universe.

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