Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wondering - Woke Up to the Sound of. . .

I woke up this morning to the sound of a chain saw.  The first thing I thought of was that my son was cutting down a dying tree along my driveway that will have to come down sometime, since it could fall on the neighbors property.  I had asked him to do it and he said he would.  Remember my post about him cutting the tree down that damaged my RV?  Here is a link to that older post:

OK, I got up and took a look.  It was the power company and they were cutting the dead trees that were threatening their power lines.  You see, way back when my son moved onto my property, I had to give the power company a right of way so that they could run power lines down to my son's house.

They did wake me, but it was way past time to get up.  Even though they did wake me, I am sure glad they are cutting those trees down.  I was planning to call the power company about them and now they have saved me the trouble.  We are serviced by an electric co-op and I couldn't be more pleased with them.  Now, you all have a great day and sleep in if you want to, you hear?


  1. Glad to hear the power company took care of those trees. I slept in about a half hour longer this morning and I'm still in pajamas at 11 am!

    1. Yes, I was surprised that they did since I didn't call them yet. BTW, we earned the right to sleep in, right?

    2. We sure did earn the right to sleep in! I hate to do it since morning is my favorite time of day, but when a person gets to a certain age they can do anything they want!

  2. That's funny. Today they were clearing under the powerlines near my house with a boom mower. Must be powerline day.

    1. Must be. They did take two large dead oak trees down, cut them up, and took them away.

  3. Too bad they didn't leave the cuttings with you.

    1. I have plenty of "cuttings" on my place. Although I have a big swamp in the middle of my place, most of the rest of it is wooded and hurricane Ike took some big ones down that are still laying on the back of my place.

  4. I was going to say the same thing Tffnguy said but he beat me to the punch line :)

    That wood would sure come in handy in Terlingua around a nice campfire.

  5. I have to watch for the tree trimming company, hired by the city, because i don't like the way they trim my trees on the West side. I WANT shade on my windows, there.

    1. The first sound of a saw running, you better get out there and stop them.

    2. Glad that you got the trees trimmed without having to wait very long.

    3. Yep, they took tow big ones down, cut them up, and carried them away. Can't ask for better service than that.
