Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Large Hopper Is Back.

Yes, I know I have posted about this critter a few times before, but this large grasshopper sure does impress me.  So when I saw him on my back screen door, I held a dime up to show just how large he or she really is:
For its second picture, he moved from a profile view to a top view.  I guess he had his picture taken before and knew the drill: 

Today is election day.  I think that they should change the system.  I think instead of electing politicians to office, we should be allowed to have an election to pick who we want to remove from office.  Now, that would make some elected officials sit up and take notice. . . So, go elect the person of your choice and have a great day, you hear?
OK, my son picked my wife and I up and we went to vote.  There was nobody there at the polling place so we drove around looking for other logical locations that they moved it to.  Finally called someone and found out that it was a special run-off election and it was only for a few precincts and ours was not one of them.  Hey, at least we got a nice ride in our son's big diesel truck.


  1. And here I was going to accuse you of smoking ganja or something stronger. Elections in August in Texas? What Republican Hell spawned that notion?

    1. I added a new paragraph to explain the problem. It was not in our precinct.

  2. I wish there was a way to get officials into office who don't have their hands in the corporate pay-off program. I don't trust a darn one of them anymore. They can't take the time to pass needed legislation yet they can take the time to try to sue or impeach the President. Now THAT will help our country rather than doing their job legislating? And I'm not talking about one political party over another. They are ALL alike! Before I die I'd like to see Congress do something worthwhile to help all Americans and not just the rich who are bribing them.

    1. Like I said, to bad we don't have Un-elections where we can vote out the ones in office.

  3. Election? lol, racking my brain trying to figure that one out.

    1. Read my last paragraph that I added. There was a run-off but it was only for a few precincts and we found out we didn't live in one of those precincts. Oh well, got a nice ride in my son's truck.

  4. THAT is a BIG Hopper… wow… Jiminy Cricket … AND exactly … fire 'em… if these politicians were in the corporate world? they'd already been fired… belch

    1. No it isn't Jiminy Cricket it is Hop-a-Long Hopper (grin).

  5. That is a pretty big grasshopper.

    1. It sure is. Just had to post about him again when he showed up at my door.

  6. A colorful hopper, no doubt. Nice.
    I'm hopeful our crooked sheriff loses today. "Totally honest I am" he told us. Moola flowing today - like a creek after a big rainfall. Ha! So much for 'honest' politicians. Fully agree with you, Gypsy.

    1. If they have to tell you that you are honest, they probably aren't.

  7. I'm with you. Dizzy. I metioned the election to several people yesterday, and everyone was clueless - had me wondering about my own sanity. Then, not in the regular voting place. With the calls and junk mailers we've been getting, how could anyone NOT know about it?? Ahhh..the woefully low-education public.

    1. The news around here wasn't real plain about it. I really thought that the run-off was for everyone to vote in. Oh well, I hope the least crooked one got elected.

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