Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Short Stroll Near My House.

After a trip to the flea market and coming home and having lunch, I took a short stroll outside.  It is unusually cool today, never got out of the 70's.  Really refreshing.  Therefore, took a stroll, snapped some pictures, and installed a new dryer vent.  So, come along on my short stroll.

On the banister around the deck, I saw this huge hopper:   

Sorry about this photo, either he or I moved.  After looking at the blurred leaves, I guess I was the one that moved:

There are a lot of these purple flowers blooming now:

Another area of them:

Here is a close-up of the flowers and a small moth or butterfly:

The wild Muscadine grapes are getting big.  They are about the size of big cherries:

And a few more grapes.  I bet when they get ripe, the birds will get them before I do.

This tall plant seems to be in two or three different stages of life.  I see buds, blooms, fuzzy seed pods, and empty pod bases:

This beautiful dragonfly was a good ending to my stroll:
And from another angle:
Then I got busy and installed the dryer vent.  I had caulking but couldn't find my caulking gun so had to run down to the hardware store and get one.  Got the job done:

Now, I am trying to decide whether to cut the grass or sit on the couch and take it easy.  Now what should I do?  So far, sitting on the couch has the most votes, but my wife hasn't voted yet. . . Now you all have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. Wife should just bring you the ice cream.

    1. I bet you couldn't guess, I cut the grass (grin).

  2. Well, you should've.. take advantage of the cool weather.
    Love all the pics. and i had a dead dragonfly just out my door too. I even picked it up to look at it. Don't know why. lol

    1. I like the ones with the green head. They are the prettiest. Haven't seen any of those lately.
