Thursday, July 31, 2014

Wondering, How Hot It Can Be

Tomorrow will be August, which I believe is one of the warmest months in the northern hemisphere.  But, did you know the hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth happened over 101 years ago on July 10, 1913.  So, where was this record set and how hot was the record?  Inside the present-day Death Valley National Park, it reached 134 degrees Fahrenheit!!  Now, that is what I call Hot, Hot, Hot!!
This dog seems to know the secret of keeping cool.  It is keeping your ears cool and your whole body feels cool.  Seems to work for Basset Hounds, and I have a fan next to where I sit, so I guess it works for me, too.

 Of course kids know how to get cooled off.  Water and kids go together on hot days:
Of course, no matter how hard we try, sometimes we just can't get cooled off:
Now, stay in the AC and keep cool, you hear?


  1. At 105 today and 106 tomorrow, I'm going to be hot no matter what I do. My swamp cooler works really well up to about 99 or 100!

    1. You have to live in an arid area for a swamp cooler to work well. Here where I live, it is way to humid for one to work.

  2. I remembered it happened in Death Valley, California but I had forgotten how high it had gotten.

    I do not do heat well anymore. Fortunately it is cloudy this afternoon and is only expected to reach 100.

    This woman is staying inside :)

    1. Any temperature above my body temperature is way too hot for me. Even in my air-conditioned home, I run fans pointed at me.

  3. I use ACs to cool down to about 80, then my fans cool me down more. At this time of year the water out of faucets is hot, so swamp coolers dont work, blows hot air. Seen ppl put ice in the bottom of them.

    1. Over here in East Texas, it is the humidity that makes things seem way hotter than it is.

  4. It wouldn't be so bad here, if it wasn't humid, too. We will just have to run our errands early in the morning and spend the rest of the time inside for the next two months. Happy Tails and Trails, Penny

    1. Yep, you got that right. Of course sometimes we must go out in the afternoon, too.

  5. 117 is bad enough, doubt that even refrigerated ACs could do much at 134.

    1. Both those temperatures are way too hot for me.
