Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wondering About Yesterday's Project.

Remember my blog posting back on June 27th about getting a new floor in the room that had been my office:

We got in touch with the two guys that did all the work on that room because we were impressed how good they were at their job and how hard they worked.  These were the same guys who worked on my plumbing.  Anyway, we asked them to come back and put up a storage building I had purchased a couple of years ago.  This was not a "tin" building and needed two people to put it together.  Here is a picture I took while they were working:
Now, I will have a better place to keep my garden tractor.  For the last couple of years, it has been sitting out beside my driveway covered with a tarp.  The red thing behind the new building is my canoe.  No, it will not fit in the building.

On another subject, I noticed on one of my Mimosa trees that there were two very late bloomers.  The tree bloomed in all its glory back in the Spring time, see all the seed pods?  But these two blooms in the middle of the picture just now showed up.  Yep, for sure, they are late bloomers:
I guess they wanted to be in bloom for the 4th of July.  Remember, you can click on a picture to enlarge them.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. My bro built my storage shed, when i bought this place. Need to CLEAN it out!

    1. Right now. mine is as clean as it will ever be. . .

  2. I saw a mimosa just a couple of days ago that had 2 or 3 blossoms, but that was all. Maybe they go into some kind of dormancy for a short time and then try to bloom again?

    1. They usually bloom in the Spring, but I guess it sometimes puts on a couple of blooms, just because it can.

  3. Don't forget to install the lazyboy recliner, mini-fridge, t.v., and window AC. Mower might have to stay under the tarp a bit longer.

    1. I already told the workers that, but they said wait until they get the roof on it. They had other things to do today, but said they should be back tomorrow. And I will stock the mini-fridge with Mexican Coca-Cola and Blue Bell ice cream.

  4. I had wondered what had become of the shed package you bought a couple of years I know!

    Glad you were able to find good workers that know their stuff. Competent help is very hard to come lucked out.

    1. I procrastinate, but after a few years go by, I get things done (grin).
