Thursday, July 10, 2014

Wondering About My Bird Feeder.

We love to feed the birds.  But just don't ever tell me that I eat like a bird!!  That is no complement.  They are messy and gluttonous.  They go through 35 pounds of bird seed in about two or three weeks.  I have a fairly large feeder and sometimes I fill it twice a day.  I do take it down over night.  If I didn't the critters around here would have it in pieces on the ground by morning.  Since it was still about half full from the second filling yesterday, I just put it out that way.  Well, by 08:30 they had emptied it.  I brought it in,  refilled it, hung it back outside, and then took a picture of it.  I also put out a couple of containers of suet that I hang just above the feeder so they can stand on the roof of the feeder and eat the suet.

We have many different flavors of suet.  Well, maybe the suet is the same but there are different things embedded in the suet.  The birds seem to love it.  There were so many birds out there this morning that I couldn't count them all and when I walked out to put the suet containers up, it sounded like an explosion when they all took flight at one time.  There had to be a hundred or so.
I purchase all my bird feed at Tractor Supply.  They have large 35 pound bags of wild bird seed for about the same money as Wal-Mart's 12 pound bags.  These birds sure don't "eat like a bird".  They are attempting to eat me out of house and home.  Any contributions would be appreciated (grin).
Now, just remember what I just said when someone tells you that you "eat like a bird", but have a great day anyway, you hear?


  1. You are a generous man Dizzy, that is a lot of bird seed to buy. I too have found that Tractor Supply has better prices than Walmart on food for Walter and other items.

  2. People around here no longer have bird feeders. They kept becoming bear feeders. Guy just down the road from me had his bird feeder cleaned out. Then the bear ripped the door off the shed where the feed was kept.

    . . . and people think they have bird feeder problems with squirrels.

    1. Bears can be a really big problem. There was one near our camp that ripped the trunk lid off a trapper's car to get at the bait he had in there. If they want to in, they will get in.

  3. I have a feeder like that, no wonder it runs out so fast, way too small. I like to use the suet too. Not feeding right now, lots to eat the regular way.

    1. It is the biggest one Tractor Supply Had. It holds quite a bit of bird seed.

  4. I think birds have something like Facebook of their own, and the word is out (maybe they tweeted it) that Dizzy Dick's has a grand buffet!

    1. Yes, I like the idea that they tweeted it. Good one Gypsy.
