Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wondering About Music.

Music is a big part of my life.  I love the music shows on RFD TV.
That should give you a hint of what kind of music I enjoy, not that I don't have some appreciation for most music types, some a lot less than others.  Yep, bluegrass and the older country music is what I like, although some old popular stuff is good, too.  When I sit down and pick up my guitar, I have no idea what I will start playing.  Just sort of start and a song I know comes to mind.  I have told you before that I like to play along with some of the music TV shows on RFD TV.  It is surprising just how simple some of them are, but then there are others, for the life of me, I can't figure out.

I found an Internet site that listed "The Top Ten Best Country Songs of All Time".  Can you guess what is on the top of the list?  I will let you wonder for awhile, because I am going to start at the bottom.

#10. - "Before He Cheats" by Carrie Underwood.
  For some reason, I don't recognize this song, but like I said, I am more into Bluegrass.

#9  -  "Crazy" by Patsy Cline.
  I do remember that one and also I thought it was a great song and very well done by Patsy.

#8  -  "Friends In Low Places" by Garth Brooks.
  Yes, that was a good song but I was never much of a Garth Brooks fan.

#7  -  "Where I Come From" by Alan Jackson.
  That was a good song but I liked some of his other ones as much if not better.

#6  -  "I will Always Love You" by Dolly Parton.
  That one and Jolene were two of many great songs that she did.

#5  -  "Ring of Fire" by Johnny Cash.
  He made so many great hits that I would be hard pressed to say which one I would say is the best.

#4  -  "A Country Boy Can Survive" by Hank Williams, Jr.
  I liked the line where he spit tobacco juice in the bad guy's eye.

#3  -  "Song of the South" by Alabama.
  Another group that had many great hits, but this one was one of the best.

#2  -  "Love Story" by Taylor Swift.
  Don't believe I remember this song nor do I remember Taylor Swift.  Must have been popular after I completely switched to bluegrass.  My satellite radio is stuck on the bluegrass station.

#1  -  "He Stopped Loving Her Today" by George Jones.
  George had an unique voice that you immediately, when heard, knew it was George.  And I also thought his wife, Tammy Wynette, had a great voice.  Here is a picture of Tammy:

 Saw her in person.  Such an unique voice!!  Loved to listen to here and her most famous song, "Stand by Your Man".  Now, did you guess the number one song?  I bet you all have songs running through your heads by now, right?  I have.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Please don't tell me "Stand by your Man" is the #1 song! Just give me plain old acoustic bluegrass.

    1. Country music is separate in the standings from bluegrass. As far as I am concerned, bluegrass it the original country music. Can you get RFDTV? If so, then you can watch some bluegrass shows. I love bluegrass the most, but my style of guitar playing doesn't match. I don't use a pick, just finger pick the strings.

  2. oh cool! you play the guitar ~ what fun … I have a keyboard ~ used to have a piano and I loved to just sit and play … but I can't play anything by ear … so had lots of music books and such… terrible pianist LOVED to sing and sing and sing .. I'd clear a room really fast…

    I like all of those songs you mentioned ~ haven't listened to much of Taylor Swift… doesn't ring m'bell for some reason.

    How about All My Exes Live in Texas … love George Strait ~ I like Bluegrass ~ I really like Country and I like all music... my playlist is everything from Bill Monroe to Luciano Pavarotti and everything in between... listened to jazz last night going to sleep and the night before? I know you want to know was ...

    A little ... BB King/Eric Clapton/Buddy Guy/Jim Vaughn ~ get down turn around ... ;)

    1. Like I said in the blog, I never hear of her before. But she was in the top ten list that I found. I bet with your singing and keyboard playing and my picking and singing, we could clear a whole town (grin), but we would have fun doing it, right?

  3. I never listened to Bluegrass growing up, but now I've developed an ear for it. Maybe I just had to live a bit first.

    1. Being that I grew up in western PA close to the Appellations, I may have it in my blood. I love mountains, that may be a clue.

  4. Yes! George Jones is #1 They don't call him a legend for nothing. Wish we did get RFDTV, cable company considers it a premium channel $$$, lets you have all the crap at no extra charge. Our hillbilly ancestors came across the pond with the roots of bluegrass, Irish Music. Like it a lot, too. You can go reeling across the floor! whoops, I dropped me cane.

    1. Remember Grandma and Grandpa's house along the river where the river hills on both sides of the river were so high that the sun didn't rise until ten in the morning and set at three in the afternoon? Now that is hillbilly living (grin).

  5. I went to find out who had compiled the list and it appears to be by votes. That explains why the oldest song on the list was from 1962 and was considered a "cross over hit". That was at the beginning of what became known as New Country and more than half of the songs on the list are New New Country.

    No songs from the 40s and 50s; not because there were not good songs from that period but just not enough votes. Ring of Fire is a great Johnny Cash song but greater than "Folsom Prison Blues" or "I Walk The Line" from the 50s? Or George "Possum" Jones's "Why Baby Why" and "White Lightnin" from the 50s?

    Taylor Swift is the hotty of todays country as was Carrie Underwood both of them New New Country singers.

    1. You are right, and I like the old country the best.

  6. Where was Hank Sr?? And Willie? I don't like that list.. lol, but i do like the #1.

  7. tv from the area where this ? Her release anything normally
