Sunday, July 20, 2014

Wondering About a Moon Landing.

I couldn't resist.  Had to blog about what happened on the moon back in 1969 on this date.  Yep, man first stepped on the moon.  And guess what?  They didn't find any green cheese anywhere.  So there went that age old theory.  Neil Armstrong was the man who left the first foot prints on our moon.  For those of us who remember it and watched it on TV, it seems like it was only a few dozen years ago, or so, because it stuck in our minds.  But, it was forty-five (45) years ago today!  Wow, how time flies!!

Did you know that Armstrong's Mother's only real fear was that the moon's crust wouldn't support the weight of a man and that her son would sink into the moon's surface, so when he stepped off the lander's ladder, Neil twice tested the surface with his weight.  He was a good son and listened to his Mom.  After his famous "first words" on the moon, he got down to business and reported back on the moon's surface: "The surface is fine and powdery.  I can pick it up loosely with my toe.  It does adhere in fine layers like powdered charcoal to the sole and sides of my boots.  I only go in a small fraction of an inch, maybe an eighth of an inch, but I can see the footprints of my boots and the treads in the fine sandy particles."

So, what do you think were the first words spoken from the moon over the radio to Earth?  I probably would have a said "dang, how did I get myself in this situation..." The first words were from Buzz and the very first word was "Beautiful. . .".

By the way, maybe the reason he said it was a huge leap for mankind is because the landing was made so softly that the legs didn't collapse as far as they were suppose to and the bottom rung of the ladder was three and half feet above the surface.  A salute Neil and Buzz.  In my mind they are hero's.  Now, keep your feet planted on the Earth's surface and have a great day, you hear?


  1. The moon is far enough, but I wish we wouldn't try to go to planets such as Mars. They are finding out that extended periods of weightlessness is detrimental to one's health.

    1. Way in the future, when the sun expands and either burns up Earth or kicks her out of the solar system, Mars will be where humans must move to survive. First, they will have to start by introducing plants that can grow in that thin air and release oxygen into Mar's atmosphere. This will take many generations.

  2. The moon landing is now history! About 60% of the USA population in 2010 was born after it happened. That 60% have about as much interest in the first landing on the moon as 60% of the population in 1969 had in the first airplane flight.

  3. What a fascinating insight about the moon landing. I could sort of understand Armstrong's mother's concern about the surface.

    I mean, if they can land a man on the Nevada desert, what next, the moon?

    Seriously, I remember that event very well. I watched in when I lived in Vancouver.

    Take care. You hear?

