Friday, July 18, 2014

Wondering About Brenda Lee.

If any of you are near my age, I bet you remember that little bundle of dynamite, the young singer Brenda Lee.  She was just 15 years old when her song, "I'm Sorry" went number one on this date back in 1960.  At 15 years old, she was already an experienced singer.  She got her big break when she was eleven years old when she met Red Foley, a country music star.  He invited her on stage and had her sing "Jambalaya", a Hank Williams song.  She got three encores and was on her way to stardom.

Then four years later, on this date, her song went number one on the charts.

Four years later, she had another big hit, "Sweet Nothin's".  It didn't go number one, but did make it to number 4 in early 1960.  During that decade, she earned 40 hits.  I sure don't remember that many.  But I do recall a couple of Christmas hits she had, like "Jingle Bell Rock" and "Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree"

She was born on December 11, 1944 in Atlanta, Georgia.  She only grew to a height of 4'-9" tall.  Here is a more recent picture of her:
I bet you all, if you are anywhere near my age, will go through the day humming some of her songs, or if not humming them, they will be going through you mind.  Dang, I can almost hear her singing "Sweet Nothin's".  Now, have a great day, you hear?


  1. Gosh, DD, quit doing that to me........

    1. Now, you know you enjoy those songs, but I will quit if you really want me to.

    2. I saw Miss Brenda Lee at the Abilene State Fair back in about
      1960 or 61 don't quite remember. I was about 20 at the time.

    3. I graduated from high school in 1961. That is the year you could turn upside down and it would still read 1961. (grin) So, you must be about two years older than I am. I am 71.

  2. My lovely wife and I saw here in Fl about 10 - 12 years ago. Still put on a great show.

    1. I bet she still could. She recorded a lot of songs liked.

  3. I've never seen her... but you got me singing that I'm the Happiest Girl in the Whole USA! Or is it Luckiest? Whatever... she belted it out... and I believe I could qualify for either ;-)

    1. Donna Fargo sang "I'm the Happiest Girl in the Whle USA". That was a really big hit for Donna and now you got me humming that one. . .

  4. If that "recent" photo of her is very recent, she has weathered well indeed!

    1. I don't know what date that picture was taken.

  5. I've always had a crush on Brenda since the very first time I saw here on television! She is one lady that always looks great in my eyes!

    Man, I love to hear her sing "I'm sorry!"

    1. She was a cute one for sure and could really, really sing. She did a good job on "I'm Sorry".

  6. I had no idea she was only 15 years old when she made that song famous.

    1. Yep, and she was an old pro by the time she reached 15.

  7. Dang, indeed, dude. I'm a humming her tunes. Have a Brenda Lee humming type weekend, good sir.


    1. Sure thing, klahani. I will be humming them this weekend.

  8. Everyone remembers Brenda but how many know anything about Red Foley. He was to Country Music what Arther Godfrey was to pop music in the late 40s and 50s. Listened to both of their shows on radio during those years.

    1. I remember Red Foley. And yes, he was a big shot in Country Music.

  9. Gonna talk about Tanya Tucker at 13, doing Delta Dawn,,, lol. Still love her, and could NOT believe she was just 13...(maybe younger)

    1. Oh yea, she was another one, but Brenda Lee was the one that had a number 1 hit song a few years ago on the same date as my was published.

  10. I do remember her:) She even pops up on the classic sat radio now and then.

    1. I sure like sat radio. Both my wife and I have one and mine is set on the blue grass channel and stays there.

  11. Love Brenda Lee ... saw her in person at the Shreveport Jamboree along with Dwayne Eddy ... and his twangy guitar! ... he stepped on my toe getting off his bus! ... ha! I was the envy of all HAHAaaa

    forget who else on the lineup... what fun!

    1. You sure are bringing back a lot of old song memories. I liked Dwayne eddy, also.
