Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Not a Good Post Teday.

Not a good post today.  This morning my wife had a doctor's appointment and after we got home I spent the rest of the day trying to find the pictures I wanted to put on my blog.  Couldn't find them.  I just wouldn't give up and I didn't find them, so no blog and a mostly wasted day.  Maybe tomorrow will bring a better blog posting from me. . . and then maybe it will be a worse blog.  You will just have to tune in and see (grin).  But, even though it is a bad blog, I want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. hahaa... well? just wanted to say hey! good or bad post ... ;) hope your wife's okay... trying to get caught up with m'blog reading

    1. She is doing fine. Just had to go see the doc to get her prescription refilled.

  2. At least your wife got her appointment out of the way or at least that is the way I look at it.

    See you tomorrow :)

    1. Too bad we don't live where you do and can get the medication we need in Mexico without all the red tape.

  3. My new career,,, doing NOTHING,,,Why i'm not doing daily blogs any more.
    Think i've figured out why i am so tired, down. doc and i decided to cut down on my potassium when the blood test showed almost normal,,, BUT, going back. I remembered going to the doc, barely able to move, and it was way low. Perked me up.
