Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day.

Today is Father's Day and I hope all you dads out there have a happy Father's Day.  Father's Day is a relatively new holiday here in this country.  Mother's Day has been around a lot longer.  A campaign to have an official Mother's Day began back in the early 1900's, but it wasn't until later that a special day was set aside honoring fathers.

My father, who passed away many years ago at a way too young an age, was the best dad in whole world.  I am sure that there are a lot of you who think your dad was the best in the world and that is the way it should be.  I was blessed with the greatest parents and only wish all parents, me included, could be as great.

Not going to go on and on, just want to say Happy Father's Day, and hope everyone has a great day today, you hear?


  1. Gosh, i still miss my Dad. He's been gone since '85.

    1. My Dad passed away back in the early '70's, 1971 I believe. That is 43 years ago. Wow, doesn't seem that long ago. Still miss him.

  2. My dad died in 1974, before my brain had finished 'cooking' enough to realize that HE gave me his strength and protection so quietly I never even noticed. SO SAD. I want to talk to him.

    1. At least my Dad got to see my two sons before he passed. He was my hunting and fishing buddy. Like I said above, still miss him.

    2. Same to you Dizzy. I'm lucky dad's still around and in good shape.

    3. Yes you are, the only problem is how far away from you he lives.

    4. I miss my dad since he died in 1978. I'm a lot like him, although I've lived long enough to get over my enjoyment of a good argument!

    5. I still like a good argument now and then, but not like I use to when I was younger.

  3. You, as I said ... are very fortunate and I know you know it... ;)

    Happy Father's Day to you!

  4. As you said all parents are wonderful for their children's!

    1. The sad truth is that not all parents are wonderful. I was one of the lucky ones.

  5. Happy Father's day to you. Mine passed away when I was a teenager. He was a man who always had a project going on, I seem to too! This apple didn't fall far from the tree.

    1. It is good that you are like him. Helps when you artistic to have a project going on all the time. I may have been an apple that didn't fall too far from the tree, but my apple was not as sweet and a wee little bit rotten (grin).
