Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wondering about Plans.

Sometimes a plan comes together and sometimes it doesn't.  The other day I went down to the hardware store and bought everything I need to fix a plumbing problem.  No, it ain't in my house.  It is a line I put in years ago that runs out under my deck so that I didn't have to remove panels, crawl under the deck, and hook up the hose and turn on the water.  Not that I am lazy or anything, but I am getting old and I don't like crawling around under the deck if I can do it an easier way.  I am still digging stuff out of my hair

Well, it was all going to plan so far.  That is until I turned the water on.  I guess I didn't wait long enough or the glue was defective, because it came apart and flooded the area.  It took a few moments to get back to the main valve.  It is surprising how much water can come out of a three quarter inch pipe.  After the big main pipe went through the original skirting at the edge of the house, I necked it down to one half inch pipe.  That reducer blew off.  I think I will wait until after lunch to finish the job.  You know, I got to sit on the couch, sip some coffee, and think about it for awhile.  Now, I hope none of you have any leaks and be sure to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Rest well so you can get back to the plumbing fix!

    1. I was hoping with my short term memory loss I would forget about it. Trouble is, my memory isn't that bad (grin).

  2. We are now back at the farm... I see that there's a leaky faucet in the house we rent out... I'm wondering how much water was wasted since the last renter left? But... about your defective glue... last year Bill "poured" a bag of Sacrete to stabilize some plumbing (pvc pipes) at the daughter's in Texas... when we got there in April it still hadn't set up. He had to dig it all out and start over. Maybe he'd have preferred mopping up water ;-)

    1. When I am through, I will have three shut-offs in that line. The spigot at the end, a new valve I am putting in line, and the one under the house where it tees off from the main line. BTW, just in case it ever gets cold enough to freeze down here, I have a plug in a low spot for draining.

  3. I really don't like doing plumbing work! Rather bite the bullet and pay someone!

    1. Oh Dang!!! And here I thought you were going to come up and help me (grin).

  4. Like your plan,,, lol,, i have to sit back and think about it too.
    Heck, i had trouble just changing out hoses,,,old one didn't want to come off. Comes out from under the house just a few inches off the ground,,, then the other one didn't want to line up and go on.. Yeah, i was sore the next day. Works good now, tho.

    1. Well, I managed to get through the day without fixing it. Lazy won out.

  5. I believe what you had is a Chinese Fire Drill, to make it more entertaining you're suppose to yell, "TURN IT OFF! TURN IT OFF! Gosh darn it!

    1. The good thing is that was too wet to continue today. You know, never do today what you can put off till tomorrow. Right??

  6. OOOPS! Glad you are going to sit back and think on it.

    Karen and Steve
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

    1. Sometimes thinking is easier than doing but to make the actual work easier, it should be thought well before starting.
