Thursday, May 22, 2014

Pictures Taken Yesterday.

My wife and I walked down to my son's house yesterday afternoon to visit with him and his friends.  We had a good time visiting, seeing all the rabbits, and playing with the dogs.  When we were walking back home I saw this fungus, which we call "punk" on a tree next to the driveway.  There were other ones close by, too.  You can see one hiding behind the tree and one small one under the green leaves on the right.  I thought that this "punk" was very pretty with all its different colors which seemed to go together quite well.

 This morning it was a little foggy around here.  But the fog didn't hide the beauty of this mimosa tree:

 This next picture is of a blooming mimosa trying to find some light and survive despite of the wild grape vines trying to take over everything:

 This little bird seemed chipper as he watched me from the railing of the porch stairs:

 Another picture of mimosa trying to eek out some space:

 This last picture was taken without zooming in.  The subject is the same as the one above:

We have been having very beautiful and comfortable weather but the fog this morning tells me that the humidity is moving back in and although there is no rain in the forecasts, the moisture will make temperatures feel a lot warmer.  I hope all of you have a great day, you hear?


  1. I think the mimosa is a very pretty tree.. "Mimosa"is such a pretty word, although my first thought is more likely a drink made of champagne and orange juice!

    1. Never thought of it as drink, but the bees like it.

  2. You broke your blog! Got it doing all sorts of strange things!

    Never a dull moment, Dizzy!

    1. My Father-in-law said that I am dangerous with tools, and maybe posting a blog, too. Seems to be back to normal now (knock on wood).

  3. Don't know which is worse, your vines or my dotter's bamboo... that stuff is worse than horrible. Only way to get rid of it is dig it up. And it spreads so fast,,, how do you do that?

    1. Bamboo is terrible. I have seen some stands of it near here that were so thick you could not get through it.
