Friday, May 23, 2014

A Special Day, Today.

Today is a very special day.  Today is my lovely wife's birthday.  Maybe I should do something special for her today.  You know, like take her to Wal-Mart. . . What?  You don't think that is special enough?  She doesn't like to eat out, so can't do that.  I will keep a thinking on what to do and hope I come up with something before the end of the day (grin).  We have been married for almost 50 years, so we have seen a lot of birthdays since we have been married.

There have been a lot of couples who have stayed together but one notorious couple, Bonnie and Clyde, ended life together on this day, dying in a hail of bullets from Texas and Louisiana lawmen who ambushed them.  This all happened on this day back in 1934.

It all started when Bonnie went to visit her husband who was in jail and she met Clyde in the cell next to her husband.  Later, she returned with a gun taped to her leg and gave it to Clyde which allowed Clyde to brake out, leaving her husband in jail.  Here are pictures of Clyde and Bonnie: 

Ain't they a cute couple???

They seem to be in love and having a good time.

But then, it ended badly and quickly and quite violently for both of them:
So, boys and girls, this just goes to show you that crime does not pay.  Now, you all have a great day and help celebrate my wife's birthday, you hear?


  1. A happy birthday to Mrs. DD and many happy returns of the day, too. While she might not like going out, perhaps bringing in a special meal along with flowers and that special flea market find you have stashed away is in order.

  2. Just don't tick your wife off or you could end up like Clyde! I hope your wife has a very special and happy birthday.

  3. She thanks you all for the birthday wishes. I took her to Wal-Mart. We needed some groceries and I needed to refill a prescription. She bought a new pair of slacks, so I guess that was her present.

  4. Happy B'day Mrs. DD! Many more!!

  5. Happy belated birthday to Mrs. Dizzy :-)

  6. BTW I had no idea that is how Bonnie and Clyde met...poor husband! Pretty gruesome picture of their dead corpses...guess they needed to prove they had really been killed.

    Indeed, crime does not pay.

    1. I didn't know that is how they met until I did some research on the web for my blog posting. Actually, it seems that I learn more from my blogs than I teach others. I read a lot more about the subjects than I put in the blog postings.

  7. Hope you and your wife enjoyed her birthday. Bonnie and Clyde certainly left their mark on the world and went out with a bang!

    1. They lived fast and harsh and died the same way. That all happened not that far from where I live.
