Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wondering about Phoebe Ann Moses.

A little girl was born on August 13th of 1860 named Phoebe Ann Moses.  I am sure we have all heard of her.  What, you say you haven't heard of her?  Well, she married Frank E. Butler.  OK now, does her married name help.  She married Frank after beating him in a shooting contest.  Butler missed his 25th shot and thus, lost the match but he gained a wife.  They started courting after the match and got married on August 23, 1876.  Yep, I am talking about Annie Oakley.
I believe it was on this date back in 1885 that she joined the Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.  She was known as Little Sure Shot.  The first time she ever fired a rifle, she shot a squirrel through the head.

 I don't believe I need to go on any more about her ability with firearms.  She didn't have an easy youth because her father passed away and she turned to hunting and trapping game to sell, the only way she knew how to get by.

Did you know that Sitting Bull was her adopted father?  She must have really liked him.  There is so much more to tell about this talented lady, but I am going to stop here.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?



  1. If i ever knew that, i had forgotten. I was never a girly girl,, much to my Mother's chagrin. So i really admire Annie O.

    1. Annie did a lot for women's lib, although it wasn't called that back then. She opened the door for a lot of women to follow. Maybe not as sharpshooters, but to do what ever they were good at.

  2. Dizzy... you forgot to mention that Annie Oakley was born in Ohio ;-)

    1. Yep, she was and her parents were from my home state of Pennsylvania.

  3. It has been a long time since I had heard of her. Had forgotten how well she shot but I had no idea she had beat her soon to be husband at a shooting contest.
