Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day.

Hope you all are enjoying this year's Earth Day.  I guess since we live here, we should have at least one day a year to remind us what a great place it is.  It is the best place by far to live in this solar system, in fact it is the only planet that is capable of sustaining life in our solar system.  To me, that makes this watery blue, white, and brown ball something really special.  Here is a picture of the Earth Day flag:

We only have this one beautiful ball to live on so we better start taking better care of it.  But, no matter how well we treat it, one of these days the sun will expand and either burn us up or kick us out of the neighborhood.  Either way, it will not be a very happy ending.  Until that time, let us try to take a little better care of it.  I am guilty of leaving a pretty heavy carbon footprint on the old girl, but I am too old to change now.  It is too hard to teach us old dogs new tricks.  I am going to leave it up to the younger generation to save the Earth's ecosystem so that they, too, will have a future.  So, you all have a great Earth Day, you hear?


  1. We live in a bubble and any thing that effects the climate any where on this earth effects all! Why can not people understand?

    1. What happens in Asia blows over here. We even had dust from Africa a couple of years ago.

    2. We get smoke from Mexico every year., when they burn off the old crops.

  2. Dizzy over the year I've wondered about Blu Blab

    1. The last I heard she was serving the ministry in Alaska and/or Canada. Here is a link to her last posting:

  3. I think that saying "Think Globally, Act Locally" means to start at your own front door before heading out to a protest, or loudly making a statement.... whether it be stop using chemicals in our homes and in our bodies or just not be so wasteful. I don't think we're ever too old to help out ole Mother Earth.

  4. Im agreeing with DD. And my g/dotter does enough for all,,,

    1. That is great to hear. I hope she keeps up the good work.

  5. It's the most beautiful world in the world.

    1. Yes it is, for sure. We were blessed to be part of it.

  6. The 1st Earth Day I was in high school in Los Angeles. Sitting on the lawn watching people talk about the pollution & wave around gas masks. In those days if you had a landmark you could watch the smog get worse, I did look out and say "there used to be a bank building over there". There were no mountains. I left the summer of 1970.
    It's different these days, when I drive thru SoCal I CAN see the mountains!

    Please keep in mind that the Earth does not care what the dominate species is, we are the only ones who care.

    1. Yes we are the only ones who care and the only ones that can do anything about it.

  7. Earth is the only place we have to live. I am glad the younger generations are doing a lot more than mine did when we were their age and did not know any better.

    While on a small scale I try to do my part. Change begins at home.

  8. Yes MsB, if It doesn't get started at home it will not go world wide.

  9. The final solution to fixing the problem of mans spoiling the Earth is to remove man. A Great Die Off is needed and most likely will come just in time to save the Earth.
    If the Great Die Off doesn't happen soon enough then perhaps the more enlightened men on Earth will help nature along. There are already Climate Change priests that are calling for the execution of Climate Change Deniers. I think it will become governmental policy within the lifetime of the younger generation so the Earth will be just fine!
