Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wondering if Cave Men Drove Pick-Up Trucks?

Did you ever wonder how early man got around?  Well I think that pre-historic men drove Pick-Up trucks.  What?  You think I am crazy and that I slipped a cog or two?  Well now, I found proof on the Internet, and you know that everything on the Internet is true and accurate, right?  Well, this blog will be posted on the Internet and it is always true and accurate!!

OK, now how do I know that cave men drove pick-up trucks?  Well, I am not sure if it were pick-ups or cars or limousines or motorcycles or what, but what ever they drove, used spark plugs.  You see, three people (Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey, and Mike Mikesell) were hunting for geodes in California.  They found a spark plug encased in a lump of hard clay.  This happened on this day, February 13, back in 1961 (the year I graduated from high school).

So, how did a spark plug get encased in a 500,000-year-old geode?  Give me another explanation of how it got there other than cave men drove pick-up trucks.  Or maybe visitors from another planet. . nope, they would be way more advanced than to use spark plugs.  The argument against this is that it was not found in a geode but a hardened concentration of dirt and rock, which could have formed only a few years in the past.  Now I wonder, why didn't the article tell what brand it was or what name was on the plug?  OH, that is right, they couldn't read Martian.  Now, you all don't leave your trash laying around to become a future artifact and have a great day now, you hear?  


  1. Cave men were probably a lot smarter than most people gave them credit for. But driving a pickup truck is making a big jump!

  2. Pieces out of time-

    I think there is so much out there that we don't know .....

    1. There is a lot I don't know and I am running out of time to learn them.

  3. Wow DD that is one of the most intelligent posts you have made!

    1. Dang Barney, then all my other posts must have been really dumb. . . (grin).

  4. Of course you got me to wondering what kind of spark plug and when that particular one had been manufactured... don't they have some kind of code stamped on them? Good Grief! I don't even think about spark plugs anymore... I have Bill who takes care of all that.

    1. I think there is a lot of holes in this story and not just the hole the spark plug came out of.

    2. DD since you posted it I believe every bit of it.

    3. Thanks Barney, I am glad you believe me. You know I don't tell tall tales. . . well, not too tall, anyway.

  5. Sometimes, I wonder what geologists and archaeologists of the future will think of our castoffs. Maybe they will not even know what a spark plug is or that little plastic band from the top of a milk jug.

    1. When they uncover a huge garbage dump they will be scratching their heads for sure.

  6. I am a wanderer that loves to search the internet whenever I find something of interest to research. Oh how you have me intrigued now. For the record, I am coming at this from a Christian perspective AND I still find this fascinating! Thanks for the nugget of curiosity to spike my interest!

