Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wondering about the Managerie in the Yard.

We got a menagerie in our back yard, since we put up the bird feeders.  This morning there were many, many birds and squirrels out there.  I posted a blog about it
http://dizzydick.blogspot.com/2014/01/wondering-what-comes-to-feeder.html) back less than a week ago.  But since then, the word has gotten out.  There were squirrels everywhere trying everything they could to get to the feeder.  They haven't figured out a way yet after I moved it more out in the open a long way away from any trees.  That doesn't mean that they have given up.  I will have to see if they can build a ladder or stand on each other's shoulders or take up hang gliding, or . . . I am sure they will figure something out.  In the mean time, they are cleaning up what the birds drop to the ground and of course, I put a handful or two or three on the ground.  Yep, I am a little kind hearted.

Got a new visitor to the feeder this morning, a Brown Thrasher.  He is the biggest bird to visit thus far.  Of course there are dozens of Cardinals, Black Capped Chickadees, and the Tufted Titmouse that compete to see who can empty the feeder the fastest.  I have my binoculars at the ready and just waiting to see more bird species show up.  Surely there will be more than four varieties of birds show up for a free lunch.  Maybe, I need to hang a "Free Lunch" sigh out there so they know.  I do have to get another feeder to replace the one that the squirrels knocked down and broke.  In the meantime they will have to crowd on the big wooden feeder.  Now, you all have a great day and take time to watch the birds, you hear? 


  1. Loved all the photos of the birds. Oh, wait, there ain't none.
    Glad to know you don't consider a squirrel a new-sence (SP...no help from spell check) or a freak'n rat.

    1. I will try to get some photos, but those dang birds think I am the ugliest monster in the world and fly off before I can get outside. Guess I could make a blind and sit out there and wait till they get hungry.

  2. HOW I MISS MY BIRDS. Right now, we have bluebirds pecking at all the windows. Their building their nests and think they're chasing off invaders. Never happened before.

    Florida: crows = 60% vultures = 39% bluebirds, mockingbirds, and ONE cardinal = 1% of our birds.

    1. I guess Florida sticks out in the ocean away from any flyway so the birds just go right past without turning toward your birdless state.

  3. Lots of fun watching the birds at the feeder. I got a new one for Christmas that I need to put out!

    1. I bought a tall holder that you stick into the ground and it has two arms on it that holds feeders. Now I got fat birds (grin).

  4. My mom put up bird feeders about the time I became a teenager. Since that was over 60 years ago I've been watching (and feeding) birds a long, long time. I never tire of seeing who comes for a visit, and have been pleasantly surprised more times than I can remember. I'm looking forward to the photos that you'll be showing soon ;-)

    1. I sure do enjoy seeing birds that I have never seen around here. I wonder how they all found the feeder? I am sure enjoying them and seeing a new species to me, is really a treat.

  5. I'm 100% certain I left a comment on your blog this morning, but it's not there now. I've noticed that happening with my comments on several blogs lately and wonder if anyone else has problems. I forgot what I said in the comment or I'd repeat it now.

    1. Sorry your comment disappeared. I never saw it. Thanks for letting me know.

  6. I love to watch the birds. We have love birds...

    1. Bird watching is a wonderful way to wile away the hours.
