Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wondering about Loading and RV

What all do you load in your RV when you are preparing for a trip?  Does it matter if it will be a few days or months?  When we load up our RV, we take everything except the kitchen sink.  The only reason we don't take the kitchen sink is that it has one built in.  Thank goodness it also has a gas range, a bathroom, a shower a bedroom, a couple of couches, etc., etc.  You get my gist.  You know we will just have to unload all that stuff when we get back.  It is a good thing that the GVW is 26,600 lbs. and that we tow the Jeep and have stuff in it, too.

Those of you who live in your RVs don't have this problem.  It is just us part timers that do.  I have purchased duplicates of some things, but that would become expensive if it got out of hand.  If I were ever to go full time RVing, I would purchase a trailer that, not only the Jeep would fit in, but all the other stuff that would not be used a whole lot but would be important enough to drag along.

Now, I want to hear from all you RVers out there.  Tell me how you handle this situation.  Of course, I am sure some of you do not have this situation.  Remember, not only do I have my wife's and my stuff, I have to take all the stuff for the three dogs.  Thinking about this kind of makes me want to stay at home. . . NOT!!  I love hitting the road for long or short trips.  Now, you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Doesn't matter what anybody else does, you do what ya gotta do, and GET ON THE ROAD!

  2. I don't rekon I can help ya any Dizzy. Me being a full timer an' you being a part timer, you need more stuff than I do.
    Now if'n you was to make more than one trip a year, I would recommend you stock the rig with a full set of essentials. Pots an' pans, a skillet, eat'n utensils, bedding, bathroom stuff, clean'n supplies.....you know what I'm talk'n bout. You shouldn't have to load anything but some food to last a few days, a bag of dog food an' a few changes of clean clothes. Everthing else should already be there. Of course, ya may want to carry a computer an' a camera along for the trip.

  3. It's the same way when I go camping because I don't keep all that stuff in my car - well a few things are still there from last October but I should bring them inside as well. I can load up pretty quickly because I have everything mostly in one room ready to go. Packing up is half the fun of traveling.

    1. I think after this week, I may go back to tent camping.

  4. Readjust your expectations.

    If it doesn't fit it can't go when you are fulltiming. You'd be surprised at what is 'needed' when there is only so much room. Well I was surprised....

    1. Yes, we can get along quite well on less than we think but the trouble is we always forget something important.

  5. DD if you got rid of everything you hadn't used in say a year or two, you'd find you had a virtually empty house, you wouldn't have to look after it, clean and maintain it or even insure it... you'd have more time to actually go away in your RV which would be wonderful...

    1. Sounds like a plan, but then I would have to get up off the couch.

  6. Everyone's different... what's important to us probably wouldn't mean beans to you... Bill doesn't have a lot of clothes... but he really wants his drill (and charger), some basic tools and his electronic stuff. I know I carry more clothes than I need, but kitchen stuff is my thing.... I love to cook and while I don't carry the whole Cuisinart and its accessories, I tend to add mandolins and other gadgets along the way. Our Kindles have really lessened our stash of books, but cameras and other electronic stuff are more important to us than clothes and shoes and such. We seldom buy souvenirs or other stuff on the road, so don't add on a lot of junk along the way. It will be interesting to see how you handle all this... but you have a big rig with lots of storage... our 27' Lazy Daze can present a problem.

    1. The electronic stuff is a must for trip pictures, memories, and keeping in touch with others.

  7. Do not own an RV and probably never will after reading all the problems full and part timers have to face even in new rigs.

    I only know about tent camping and it is different for each person. What I find to be essential may not be so for another tent camper.

    The important thing is for you to get on your beautiful RV and go somewhere...soon!

  8. " If I were ever to go full time RVing, I would purchase a trailer that, not only the Jeep would fit in, but all the other stuff that would not be used a whole lot but would be important enough to drag along."

    If it is not used a lot when your full timing then it is NOT important enough to drag along. It might be a 'dream' but I don't think you have the 'mind set' to break away from all your stuff and live a simple life on the road.

    1. No, I guess I like my stuff. I have three telescopes and the big one will not fit in any of my compartments. I will not give up that big telescope.

  9. I find I'm still carrying more tools and parts than I really need. But, I just know I'd be lost if I didn't bring them with us. The wife is still hauling nurses uniforms around, even though she'll never again work the floor. And So It Goes.

    1. Human nature is such that we don't like to let go of anything that once important in our lives.
