Saturday, February 15, 2014

Fog, Sunsets, and New Shirt.

The day before Valentine's Day, it got foggy.  We don't get a lot of fog, so I thought I would take some pictures.  The last time was a year ago last January.  Here is a link to that blog:
It was similar to what I am showing you today.  Here are a few of  the pictures I took the day before Valentine's day:


On Valentine's Day, it was sunny and clear and the evening sky to the west was painted in various colors.  That was a great birthday present:

And I got to go to Tractor Supply and get a new shirt with buck deer on it: 

I took the above picture of myself.  Held the camera in my right hand and reached out as far as I could and snapped the picture hoping I got most of me in it.  As you can see, it was quite breezy but in the upper 70's.  A most perfect and beautiful day.  Now, I hope I didn't ruin your day with a picture of my ugly self, but rather, I want you to also have a great day, you hear.


  1. Kinda hard to see your shirt with all that beard ;-) Makes me think of photos I've seen of Buffalo Bill.... upper 70's sounds pretty good to me.

  2. It has been warm here, too. Close to 80 yesterday but got down into the upper 30's overnight. You know, this is Texas and if you don't like the weather just wait an hour or two. . . Except in summer, than it is hot, hot, hot.

  3. Lookin' good, Diz. Good job on the "selfie" picture.

    1. All the deer on the shirt don't show up. You can barely make out a couple. It would have been a better picture if it had a better subject.

  4. I could use some of that sun and warmth. It just keeps snowing and snowing here in central PA.

    1. Yes, but you may not like it here in August :-)

  5. Oh the photo of the path off to the right makes me think of Robert Frost and his poem The Road Not Taken. Actually the photo makes me think that I am just yards down on the less traveled path:

    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference.

    As it is my life theme!!!

    By the way~you look wonderful, imagine a snapshot with your entire face and not needing a mirror to take it!

    Thanks for sharing the photos~all are lovely.

    1. That is my driveway. It goes around the curve to my gate. I also believe in taking the road less traveled. I do not like crowds.
