Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wondering about the Ides of January.

Today in January 15th and it is another beautiful day.  Spent yesterday working on my battery bank on the RV, four house batteries and two engine batteries.  But it was a great day to be outside.  That was yesterday and today is the 15th, and since I don't have anything outstanding to write about, I thought I would check and see what happened on this day through out recent history.

Let's see, oh yes for you football fans, this day in 1967 the first Super Bowl was played in Los Angeles between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs.  The Packers won.

In 1970 Muammar al-Qaddifi became Premier of Libya.  He had removed King Idris from office the year before.

On this day in 1973, Bonanza aired for the last time.  It had been on for fourteen seasons and it was the first western to be seen in color.

Also in 1973, the Vietnam bombing ended.

Remember the cop drama, Hill Street Blues?  Well back in 1981 it aired for the first time. . . yes, on this date.

On this date in 2008, the FDA approved meat from cloned animals stating that it was safe for human consumption.

I am sure we all remember flight 1549 crashing into the Hudson River in 2009.  To refresh your memory, here is a picture:

In 2010, a 7.0 earthquake hits Haiti killing 45,000 to 50,000 people!

And just last year, horse meat was found in "beef" burgers sold in Ireland and the United Kingdom.

By now, you probably have had enough January 15th trivia to last you until next January, right?  So I will quit before I completely ruin your day.  I do want you all to have a great day, you hear?


  1. Many years ago at an air force school I talked to a guy who had been stationed in Thailand when the bombing ended in Vietnam, he said they loaded the AC-130 gun ships up like normal & they came back empty. Nothing changed in Thailand.

    1. There was and is a lot that goes on that we, the public, are unaware of.

    2. I don't think they were using an AC-130 gun ship as a bomber. DD said that the bombing of Vietnam stopped he didn't say that the war stopped or that there were no more armed aircraft flying.

  2. Oh Dizzy... the MOST important thing about to day is that it's Bill and my 32nd anniversary. A MOST wonderful day that brings a huge smile to my face and makes me thank Him for bringing into my life the best thing that ever happened to me.

    1. What a great tribute to your hubby!

    2. Happy anniversary. Our next one will be 50 years. Dang how fast time does fly.

    3. Oh... how very cool, Sharon ... sniff ...

  3. Glad you put all that on here, all I knew about Jan. was,,Elvis's BD, and my bro on the same.

    1. What I put out there all happened on 15th of January. And Elvis's birthday isn't today, as you know.

  4. I remember most of the items mentioned, although I didn't watch enough TV to be aware of what shows were on.

    This is my oldest son's 12th wedding anniversary. They got married and a week or 2 later he deployed to Iraq.

    1. Congratulation to your son and his wife and to the fact that he returned from Iraq safely.

  5. Lots of stuff happened for sure... interesting .. the news had Sully on ... five years .. seems like it was a month or so ago!

    1. As I get older, time seems to be distorted. Why is that?
