Saturday, December 7, 2013

Wondering about a Fishing Story.

I suppose that every one who has ever tried to catch fish has some stories to tell.  Whether it was the one that got away, or the one mounted on the wall, or the lunker that you ate.  I got lot's of stories but I think, to save all of you from reading all my many exploits in the sport of fishing, I am just going to tell you about the big bass that thought he got away.  Now, this is true story with no embellishments added.  I couldn't make up a story like this.

Back many years ago when I lived in Pennsylvania, a family that were friends of mine, went camping at Kinzua Dam and lake at a boat only access camping spot.  There they pulled a canoe behind their motor-boat and set up a huge tent and made a comfortable camp to fish from.  I was very happy and felt privileged that they invited me to go with them.  One day, I took the canoe and went out fishing around the bend.  Boom, I got a fantastic hit from a big bass.  I was using ultra light gear so had a real fight on my hands.  I thought that I was winning the battle when all of a sudden the line became taut.  What the??  I kept it tight and pulled the canoe toward where the line went.  I went very, very easy so as not to break the line.  In still water, it doesn't take much effort to move a boat and even less for a canoe.

The water was so clear in that lake that you could see quite a ways down.  So, I could see the submerged tree and that big bass and the line wrapped around multiple branches.  That ole bass just zigzagged back and fourth and up and down through all those limbs.  No way was I going pull him (or her) out of there.  So I broke the line and went back to camp.  I didn't mention what happened.  After a short break, I changed into my swim trunks and told them I was going back out in the canoe and catch a fish by hand, since I couldn't get one with a pole, line, and lure.

To shorten this story, I dove down, got the bass, brought it back to camp at the amazement and awe of my friends.  We had it for supper and it sure was goooood.  The next day I broke down and admitted to what really happened.  Now, this IS a true fishing story.  Now, you all stay warm and keep your powder dry and have a great day, you hear?


  1. What a great story! Your friends probably retold it over and over to everyone they met.

  2. Of course it is a true fish story. Aren't they all?

    1. I do swear that this story is true. Now I have heard where some fishermen do exaggerate a slight bit, but not me... honest!!..(grin). Maybe sometimes, but this was the way it happened.

  3. That IS quite a story. It's dangerous though to dive down underwater around submerged tree limbs. You are fortunate you didn't get tangled.

    1. I was younger back then. When you get into your 70's you worry about getting hurt or killed, when you are under 40 you think you will live forever. . .

  4. Yeah, love those "true" fish stories,,,

    1. I got lots of them and they are all true. When you have lived as long as I have you don't have to make up things, somewhere along the way you did them yourself.

    2. lol, i think we're the same age, and i have lots of em too.

  5. Maybe that fish was happy to be rescued... even if it did mean going into the frying pan. Funny story!

    1. Either way, it was not going to have a happy ending (for the fish, we enjoyed eating it).

  6. pretty macho, Dizzy... but poor ol fish. wonder if its Mother or wife was holding worms for him... sad

  7. That is one of the best fish stories ever!

    1. Now you know I couldn't make up anything like that.

  8. That's the king of fish story I like! Bet the eating was good!
