Monday, December 9, 2013

Wondering about a Bottle Factory

I posted before about Foxburg and the first town down the Allegheny River, Parker, Pennsylvania.  Since both sets of my Grandparents lived along that River (one set in Phillipston and one set in Foxburg), I got to see both places and the near by towns quite often.  When my Dad drove us to Foxburg, we went through Parker.  Parker was sort of divided in two.  The upper part started way up on the river hill and extended down and along the river.  There was a glass plant along the river that made bottles and, I think, jars.  That was the days before everything came in plastic.  Back then, plastic was the exception other than the rule.  I was back there a few years ago and took some pictures, but I don't have any of the old factory.  This factory is the Wightman Bottle & Glass Mfg. Co.  It is located on the lower part of town along the river.  That area was called Parker's Landing.

By the way, Parker had the distinction of being the "Smallest City in the U.S.A.  Parker was incorporated as a city on March first, 1873, back during the Pennsylvania oil boom.

Sorry I am so late getting this posted but I have been really sick.  It started on Friday and kept getting worse up through today.  If I don't start feeling better in a few days I will have to go to the doctor.  My hematologist told me to see him or my family doctor if I even got a sniffle, since I was diagnosed with a form of leukemia.  Well I got more than just a sniffle or two and, no, I haven't called the doctor.  I am not one to be running to doctors.  Guess I am just stubborn.  What can they do for a bad cold, anyway?  Hope all of you are well and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Nice rig DD hope you feel better, don't let that s*(t go too long we are not 42 anymore... What chassis is that on? are they 11R24.5 rubber

    1. No, not quite that tall. They are 275 / 70 R 22.5. I am not sure what the chassis is, could be an international. It has a Caterpillar Diesel engine in it and a GVW of 26,600 pounds. I pull that Jeep Liberty behind it and can set the cruise control for 60 or so and it will go up and down hills with no change of speed. I like it, lots of room with the four slides. Don't see why I would want anything more.

  2. Take care of yourself Dizzy. Sorry to hear you are under the weather.

    I wonder if we even make bottles in this country anymore.

    1. My wife says I am looking a little better today. Of course I never look really good. . . Good question, I will have to search for other bottle manufacturers.

  3. I stop in here only from time to time because I want to have lots of your posts to read at once. I was compelled to post because my 93 year old father has MDS and all his counts are below normal. Please, if you haven't done so by now, get your sweet stubborn butt to the doctor immediately.
    Pat in East Texas

    1. Boy, you got me pegged right, I am stubborn. I know about the doctor but don't want a bunch of antibiotics. I am a lot better today, if I get worse, I will go to the doctor's.

  4. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR, DD, get yourself to the Doc! Why won't men listen? My son almost died because he didn't go months ago when he was throwing up red blood. Then later, coming out the other end. Still let it go.

    1. Actually, I do go when I find it to my advantage. I am on the mends and since my chronic leukemia makes me more acceptable to catching a commutable disease, doctor's offices are not a good place for me to be. . . unless I feel it is necessary.

    2. I understand what you mean about the doctor's office. I work so hard to protect my daddy every day. He lives in our rent house next door. I don't let anyone who has even been around a sick person come to visit. When he goes with me to get groceries, I disinfect the cart handle before I let him touch it. If I think I might be getting sick, I wear a mask, disinfect my hands and wear gloves to go in and give him his medicine. Then, every week we go to the doctor's office for labs and sit with all those sick people. I am constantly giving him hand sanitizer and moving him away from people.
      Pat in East Texas
