Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wondering about The Bermuda Triangle.

I started wondering about the Bermuda Triangle mysteries.  Why?  Well, because on today's date, but back in 1945, was when the squadron of five Navy Avenger torpedo-bombers never returned from that area, thus helping to cement the legend of that area where strange disappearances had been happening.  It was a training crew and even though the leader was lost and disoriented, a garbled radio transmission overheard one of the students ask, "why don't we just fly west?" .  So, why didn't they?

Did you notice that I used the phrase "cement the legend"?  The reason is that strange things and disappearances have been going on in that area for many, many years.  Sailing vessels have disappeared and some found just sailing on their own with no crew.  

 Also, a DC3 passenger plane disappeared in that area.

When did this phenomena start?  The earliest event that I could find was in 1918 when the Cyclops disappeared without a trace.  This was no little boat, it was 542 feet long.

So, do you believe in a curse or evil or whatever going on in that area?  I don't.  I believe it is a dangerous area, but not because of any super natural or evil spell.  The water is relatively shallow, compared to ocean depths, and there are severe, fast forming storms that can come and go very quickly.  This combination can be very treacherous.  So, let me hear your thoughts on the subject.

BTW, when I got up this morning it was in the 70's and now it is down to 52 and dropping.  Now, you all keep dry and warm and have a great day, you hear?


  1. I've read a lot about that Bermuda Triangle,,, just find it fascinating, and strange. All the unanswered questions.
    Been cooling off all morning, down to 37* now.

    1. There are a lot of places around the glob that have mysterious happens attributed to them. It is fascinating, for sure.

  2. Another one of those mysteries that we probably will never know the answer to!

    1. H.J., I will keep checking your blog. I am sure you will come up with the answer. Your blog has answered a lot of my wonderings in the past.

  3. Yesterday was 83 degrees... today we woke up to 38 degrees... guess it just flip-flopped. and the wind is COLD.... brrrrrr! We make jokes in our house when we lose something that it must have got lost in the Bermuda triangle.... but really.... a ship over 500'!

    1. The cold front is going though here. They say in may get down to freezing this weekend. The normal hi for today should be 70.

      You must have a few black holes at your house. I bet a thorough search of your house would produce that lost ship (grin).

  4. I don't know what to make of it, but I personally don't think it's just a natural phenomenon. My question is why, when so many things have happened there, would anyone continue to fly/float or otherwise go near it? I don't have to understand it to think we should just let it be.

    1. The reason is that it covers a lot of area used for shipping and sport. Draw a triangle on a map from Miami to Bermuda to San Juan, Puerto Rico and you will see what I mean.

    2. Well then, those who want to take their chances should remember that it's their choice. Should we spend billions of dollars to figure it out? I didn't think the actual "Triangle" edged up to Miami or San Juan but is a smaller triangular zone within that big area. I really don't know a whole lot about it - just the sensationalism that you hear now and then.

  5. The Atlantis Chamber of Commerce sends up nets when their population dwindles and they need new blood to propagate...

    How do I know this, you might ask? I know nothing. BUT it's as good a theory as any other life mystery stuff. Like where does one sock disappear to ....

    1. I bet you are right!! I forgot about Atlantis. They need supplies, too, and that is a good way to get them, just sink a ship.
