Monday, November 18, 2013

Wondering who was on the Marty Stuart Show?

Yesterday's post was about Gordon Lightfoot because it was his birthday.  Then last night, I was watching the Marty Stuart show and another singer from the past was on it.  It was a repeat show, had seen it before but I can watch music shows over and over again.  What?  You mean you don't?  Music is one thing you don't get tired of and can listen to a good song many times.  A really good song just never gets old.  Therefore, a good music TV show doesn't get old, either.

He had Jim Glaser of the Glaser Brothers on.  Do any of you remember the Glaser Brothers from the '60s era?  Well if not, here is a picture from back then.  Jim is on the right:

This is what he looks like today:
 He has spent the last 12 years of his life living alone in a mountain cabin.  He explained why, but I am not going to go into that here.  He finally came out of seclusion and started singing again.  He seems to be doing great and he is 75 years young.  His voice hadn't seemed to age and he could hit those high notes with out any problem at all.

Jim started out at age 19 traveling the world with Marty Robbins and sang back-up on a lot of Marty's recordings.  This fellow experienced the best of both worlds; living alone in the woods and traveling the road entertaining.  I wonder which he liked the best?

So, how many of you remember Jim?  If you are my age, I bet you do.  Now, sing a couple of verses of "Woman, Woman" (which, by the way, he recorded himself), and have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. Sorry, never heard of him. But, just in the last year, heard Leonard Cohen and he's been around a long time too.

    1. Heard of him but don't remember anything he did. Probably because from mid '50s I have only listened to country and blue grass.

  2. I'd be interested to know why he went into seclusion for all those years, and even more, what made him come back.

    1. I believe that both answers are "women"! I will have to look it up to be sure but I think he said he married the same women multiple times.

  3. I'll have to admit I was more into singing nursery rhymes and lullabies in the early 60's.... so while I haven't heard of this group I, too would be interested in his seclusion and come back.

    1. See my answer to Gypsy. When you want to know the reason guys to things, look for a women or to a lesser degree, money.

  4. DD, I saw Jim on Larry's last night. I still love his music. I think he went into the woods because of his wife and came out for the same reason. I think he said that he also got his life right with the Lord.

    1. Dang, you are right. I am getting CRS for sure. It was Larry's Country Diner, not Marty. You are correct on all counts. Sorry for all the mistakes.

  5. freakin wow, Dizzy D ... went on over to YouTube and of course! loved his music! I wouldn't have thought of his name in a zillion years. !

    I listened to his Woman Woman on the Grand Ol Opry Reunion ... playlist ... listening to George Jones and Elvis Costello duet right now! what fun! HA! keep it up Dizzy... love it...

    oh, look at that .. there's Charlie Pride... man?

    1. The older entertainers were the best. The new ones can't compare with the ones we grew up with. With that said, I must make an exception. It seems the modern blue grass players are as good or better than the old ones. Just my opinion.

    2. I enjoy the new stuff also. I like music period except heavy metal and a constant stream of hip hop and rap... but even like a bit of that.. ha! I'm a poet.

      listening to Larry Gatlin and Gene Watson now... is that Larry??? wow... haven't thought of him in eons...

      from there you'll see all manner of thises and thats! I'm cooking peas and listening country ... yeeeeehaw

      gonna make some cornbread... bake a sweet tater...

  6. sometimes I think the older music is the best, ya know?

    1. Yes, I just said that in my comment to Carolyn with the exception of blue grass. The new groups are fantastic. But Bill Monroe was on of the best. They give him credit for being the father of modern blue grass.

  7. i like dailey and vincent as one of the new ones.

    1. Oh yes, Dailey and Vincent are fabulous and I also like Vincent's sister, Rhonda Vincent.

  8. Howdy DD,
    Yep, country, western, blue-grass and the MILLION-DOLLAR BAND are MUSIC !!! The rest are just 'trying to 'make' music !!! After E.T., they're almost all amateurs..The 'blue-grassers' are in another world !!

    I'm sure glad somebody has put all of the REAL COUNTRY on YT, including Charlie Pride... I got a story I'll send you on CP !!!

    Hope y'all have a HAPPY DAY and pet the 'foo-foo' pups for me !!!

    1. ADDENDUM #2

      Yes, I do remember Tom Paul & the Glaser Brothers, theywere a really great group... Funny about Jim hiding out in the woods so long, I wonder where Tom Paul and the other one went..

    2. I guess I am brain dead today but who is E.T.? Is it Ernest Tubb? Send me the story, you can find my email address under my profile.
      I will have to do some research to find out where they went. Some may have passed away.

  9. The much younger woman Jim was living with left him for a man who doesn't work and she left the area. He returned to his wonderful wife and remarried her. The best choice Jim and finding the Lord again. The one he was "living with" does not believe in God and has a big brash mouth to tell it.
