Sunday, November 24, 2013

Wondering what to have for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving is coming up, so what are you planning to have for that customary yearly feast?  Turkey and all the trimmings is the traditional dish.  But wouldn't it be challenging to come up with something special?  I mean really special, like something that you have never ever had and probably never even dreamed of having.  How about some stakes or a roast from some extinct dinosaurs?

What!?!?!?  I bet you thought you read that wrong or that I am finally loosing my mind, right?  Actually, there is a place where you can get some dinosaur meat.  And no, it ain't from an ancient beast that was dug out of the ice in some glacier.  There is actually a company that sells a kit named, "Dino Dish Grow "N" Harvest Kit".  Now Dino-Dish, from the makers of this year's highly anticipated Dial-A-De-Extinction, allows home cooks to print stem cells of a select extinct animals, choose which cut they want and then grow their own dinosaur meat.  The kit includes a pocket 3-D printer, stem cell starter, and tabletop lidded meatbox that is temperature and humidity controlled.  At this time kits are available for five different dinosaurs.  Of course, you know, it probably tastes like chicken (grin).

Now that I have made you hungry (or sick to your stomach), enjoy lunch and have a great day, you hear?


  1. DD, are you crazy? hahahaha Thanks but no thanks.

    1. You are not the first person to think I am crazy. OH my, are you sure you don't want to try some. Probably better than what we buy in the stores.

  2. Dinosaur meat? Remember the tv show "Northern Exposure"? They had one where the doc found a flash frozen dinosaur & got really excited, Science!
    By the time he got back to it it was gone, he followed the tracks and found a guy from town with a huge steak on the grill. It was funny.

    1. I sure do remember "Northern Exposure". I thought that was a great show. When are they going to start showing re-runs?

    2. LOVED that show.. HAHaaaa... hate it with off

      and this is hilarious, Dizzy... Dial-A-De-Extinction... HAHAaaaaa

  3. Dinosaur or dino-dish kits? I think I will pass!

    1. MsB, just pass the dino-dish please. . . You don't know what you are missing. . . I don't know what I am missing. We will probably never know what they taste like.

  4. How about a southwestern theme of Thanksgiving? No turkeys allowed. Or a seafood themed meal, fresh salmon, shrimp, crab and some homemade tatar sauce with Hatch green chili mixed in it. Now we talking some great eating.

    1. It all sounds good to me. The only two things I dislike are coconut and licorice. Why, because when I was a kid I was not allowed to eat coconut. Licorice? Well I just don't like the taste of anise.

  5. Replies
    1. I noticed. Where the heck did it go? Hope you get it back soon. Did you forget to pay the rent (grin).

  6. I think that I'll stick to tradition this time! Dinosoar meat just sounds like too much trouble, ya know?

    1. Yea, I know. Not sure what we will be doing. Was going to hit the road but this weather put a dampener on that for awhile. Maybe instead of turkey or steaks I will have eggs and cheese.

  7. Have to admit that Bill & I are often kind of "non-conventional". One year we rented a canoe... somewhere in South Carolina... cooked out turkey hot dogs for our Thanksgiving dinner. My kind of celebration. This year we're at one of our daughters... gonna be turkey, dressing and all the trimmings. Now... wait until Christmas and ask this question again ;-)

    1. You guys sure do know how to enjoy life. Can't wait to hear where you are going to be for Christmas. Could it be the head-waters of the Amazon? No, it will probably be the North Pole or at least as close as you can get to it. It wouldn't surprise me where you end up. I expect surprises from your travels.

  8. Dinosaur meat!! not heard before. Will try next time...

    1. Better hurry up, they may become extinct (grin).

  9. Dizzy-Dick, what meds are you on? They need adjusting, ha ha ha.

    I think you should start the day with a full English breakfast, and for dinner you should have a lovely roast chicken dinner English style, washed down with some beer and/or wine. Then dance the evening away with your beautiful wife until bedtime.

    1. That all sounds perfect except for the alcohol. I quit drinking years ago.

  10. As I sit here planning my shopping list for tomorrow I think this is what I be having. Garlic Hummus and Snezhanka salad with a tofu, Brussels sprouts in sweet chili sauce stir fry and lentil sausage soup.

    1. Sounds great to me!!! When should I arrive so that I don't miss breakfast?
