Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wondering, It's not a summer dog's day.

It seemed just like yesterday when it was summer.  Actually it was summer a couple of days ago and it will be again tomorrow, but for yesterday and this morning, it is cold!!  How cold is it?  Well let me show you:
 As you can see, the thermometer reads 34.5 degrees.  Now, that is just way too dang cold for this time a year around here. But it sure is great sleeping weather.  Sure didn't want to get up this morning but our youngest dog (next picture) insisted.

My wife crocheted a new shirt for all three dogs.  The youngest one got a yellow shirt with a fancy ruffle around the bottom.  She seems to really like it.

Then our old female got herself a nice fancy, frilly red one:

Of course, our boy wanted a blue one with out the frills.  He said real men don't wear frills:

 Here is a picture of the matriarch on her throne, which is her favorite pillow.  The King isn't allowed to share the throne but he can lay beside it:

I am telling you, my big, hot, strong cup of Columbian coffee sure tastes good this morning and it sure does hit the spot. . . yum, yum.  Now I hope you all are nice and warm and cozy this morning.  I know you readers that are living up north must think I am a wimp, but around here, anything below sixty degrees is considered cold.  You all stay warm and have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. Way I look at it, this first freeze eliminates mowing,,,lol.

    1. That reminds me, I need to mow. We didn't get a freeze here, just close.

  2. I like the way you used coordinating colors for the pups sweaters and the background. The ruffles are cute... but I guess I understand why the King declined. Funny about the pillow.... we had 3 cats who didn't like each other... they didn't want to share, but if they got cold enough they'd sleep next to each other, but only back to back... no admitting that they actually touched ;-)

    1. Even though the female is "fixed", the male still seems to think the opposite once in awhile and today is one of those days. She quickly tells him where to go. . .

  3. Howdy D&DD,
    The temps up here on the RunningStar Ranch, in Coleman county, TEXAS arerunning a little bit 'cooler' than C&S.. We had 23* yestiddy mawnin' and 33* last night @ 1:35am, at the airport, 12 miles East of us...
    What type of 'foo-foo' pups are those; they do look cute in their 'sweaters'...
    Hope y'all don't freeze, with all of the humididity down there.. But have a HAPPY DAY !!!

    1. All three of them are Shih-Tzu dogs. But they think they are humans.

  4. 34 degrees is a bit chilly. Last year in Quartzsite we had the water hose freeze 3 or 4 mornings, it thawed out once the sun came out.
    This year I'm less than a mile from the inland water ways and around 10 miles (as the crow flies) from the Gulf of Mexico down here in Texas, I'm hoping for even less frozen pipes than last year.
    Everybody has to have a hobby!

    1. Yep, you shouldn't be bothered with any freezing weather down there. I have never camped at Quartzsite, but I have a little bit north of there in the ghost town of Stanton. It is run by the G.P.A.A. of which I am a member.

  5. Your dogs are just the cutest! Love the outfits their mom crocheted :)

    Thanks for the weather report.

    1. Cool today, back in the mid 80's for the weekend. Thanks for saying that our dogs are the cutest. I will tell them what you said, that will make their day. Tomorrow, they go to the groomer's.
