Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wondering, a dog or cat in political office?

What do you think about having a dog or a cat elected to a political office?  Do you think that it is impossible?  Well it did happen, not once, but a few times.  A Labrador retriever was elected mayor by the people of a small town in California, so it wasn't odd for them seeing their mayor begging for treats, chasing cars, rolling in the dirt, fetching a thrown ball, or just standing around drooling.  His name was Bosco and he was elected mayor of Sunol in 1983 and served for eleven years until his death.  Bosco promised a bone in every dish, a cat in every three, and many more fire hydrants.  His campaign pointed out that he "didn't drink, smoke, or chase women, though he did sometimes chase cars".

Things didn't go all that smoothly for Bosco.   He was kidnapped, or should I  say dog napped, but was returned because of all the publicity.  I guess it scared the kidnappers.  Then, one time, he fell asleep in the back of a van and ended up in Oregon.  Another time, the dog catcher picked up "his honor" and hauled him off to the pound.  But other than that, he served a long and successful term.

He also gave interviews and appeared in parades.  They say that he also got into some nasty brawls with other canine residents and was accused of fathering several illegitimate children.  It sounds like he was just another typical politician (grin).

South of Sunol is another very small town named Harmony.  It had a cat named Fred as its mayor.  Fred served a long term until his death at age twenty-two.  So you see, we may have more options and choices than those humans who run for office.  Now, you all pet your dog or cat (they may be mayor some day) and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Tonight's the Leonid Meteorite shower... but the full moon will make any of it difficult to see. Just checking in with you... been too busy with too much else.... it's dark here now .... not even 7:30 pm but I doubt if I'll see any shooting stars.

    1. After midnight the night sky we see will be leading the rest of the earth on its journey, thus we should see more meteors at that time. I will take a look but it will be before midnight. I have to get my beauty sleep you know.

  2. Howdy DD,



    1. Yep, sometimes I don't think half the politicians are human.

  3. I won't let my dog Chow Wow in on this info, political power would go to her head--she has dictator tendencies!

  4. Sometimes I think animals would make better politicians than humans!

  5. an African born baboon? charming ....
