Friday, November 22, 2013

A Fall Overcast Day

Yesterday was mostly overcast, which is unusual for here, and guess what?  This morning there is a line of thunderstorms going through.  This disturbance is being caused by a cold front which is passing trough our area.  The temperatures will be way below normal.  Here is the  forecast for the next seven days:

It is going to be a cold, wet next few days.  It is way too early in the season for such cool temperatures.

I took a walk around my driveway yesterday and, even though it was cloudy, tried to get some pictures of the fall colors.  All the oak trees are still green but some of the other hardwoods are changes colors.  So, come, take a short walk with me.

Color foliage next to the RV:

 And looking northeast:

 And just looking up:

 Looking on down my driveway toward my son's home:

 Love the black limbs among the colored and green leaves:

 And this last one looking back toward where my RV is parked:
Now that wasn't a very long walk, was it?  It didn't tire me out at all.  The thunderstorms are rolling through and my oldest pup is terrified of them and is snuggled up to me and shaking like a vibrator.  She has a hard time on New Year's Eve and around the Fourth of July when they sell fireworks here in Texas.  Seems we have a lot of neighbors who must save their money all year to stock up on fireworks just for those two nights.  I get more bang out of seeing the way Mother Nature paints the leaves.  Now, you all take a second look at all the beauty around you and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Your trees are pretty and colorful. Sacramento has some trees that get shades of red, but they are all from someplace else and aren't natural to this area. I miss the east when I see them, but then I miss the east much of the time.

    1. I spend half my life in Pennsylvania and we always took long rides to see the leaves in the fall. I always enjoyed archery season because it got me out in the woods during the beautiful fall.

  2. Isn't it great to watch the seasons change, very interesting. Even if it does send cold chills down the spine.

    1. When I moved south, no one could understand it because I never could stand the heat and loved the cold. But the south was all air conditioned in the summer and sometimes we do get some chilly weather. Now, I don't think I could stand the real cold weather anymore.

  3. We just had our first freeze, so those leaves are almost all on the ground now. Beautiful, tho.

    1. This wind and rain are bringing down a lot of the leaves. Glad I didn't wait to take the pictures later in the week.

  4. One thing about East Texas, the colors are pretty nice for Texas.

    Central Texas has some great colors as well!

    1. That is for sure. I always try to see the beauty in everything.

  5. Well, our weather has taken a big plunge right now. It's freezing. We had minus 1 the other day and it's no joke. Got my gloves, hat, coat, scarf and even boots on. Can't wait to see the white snow again :(
    Have a great weekend Dizzy-Dick.

    1. I had my fill of sub-zero weather for over 30 years. I liked it when I was a kid, but mush preferred it when it got up to a balmy 29 degrees F. While out hunting one day I fell through the ice crossing a creek and had one of my feet freeze. For years it was the first part of my body that got cold.

  6. Hey Dizzy... we're finally back in Texas... well... okay... just west of Texarkana... been raining ALL day (for 2 days now) so I just don't want to hear about overcast skies... ya'hear? Loved seeing your trees... and while I've (mostly) read posts, haven't been able to post myself.... I'll get caught up soon. It's gonna get COLD here tonight.... (Sulphur Springs)... so... keep warm.

    1. So, it was you that brought all this cold and rain down from the north with you (grin). I thought I told you not to do that?

  7. Told you it wasn't me... gonna get down to 27 tomorrow night ... highs 45 and lows 30 is the average here for next week... toooooooo cold.. for around heah..

    very pretty yard you have there.... ol East Texas ... my home. ;)

    1. You are off the hook this time, but just be careful of what weather you send down this way. . .(grin). I guess the Odd Essay has to take all the blame this time. Actually, I like the cold, but not the wet and cold.

  8. Thanks for the weather forecast, I guess this is not the ideal time to make a trip to Houston or really anywhere in the state.

    Loved the pictures of your yard and the changing color of the leaves.
