Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wondering if America was attacked in WW2.

I was always under the impression that the United States homeland was never attacked by either the Japanese or the Germans in World War 2.  Well I was wrong.  Just this morning I came across an article that told that we were.  On the west coast, California, Oregon, and Washington, were all attacked by the Japanese during 1942.  The Bankline Oil Refinery at Glorieta in Southern California was hit by thirteen shells on Feb. 23 that were fired from a Japanese submarine.  It only caused damage to one well.  A Japanese sub then fired on the Columbia River harbor defenses in Washington State on June 21.  The next day the military depot at Fort Stevens, Oregon, was shelled.

Deciding to try something different, a Japanese war plane launched from a submarine dropped four incendiary bombs on Mt. Emily and near Brookings in Oregon that started forest fires.  Then, twenty days later, the plane bombed Mt. Emily while the sub sank two tankers off the coast.

The East coast fared a little better.  New York City just got its picture taken.  Yep, in 1944, a German reconnaissance aircraft flew over the city taking pictures of possible bombing targets.  The British code breakers revealed this to the U.S.  Then the U.S. sent waves of bombers to destroy the German aircraft plants where they were building long-range bombers.

Then again, the Japanese air attack on San Francisco, which was used as an excuse to confine Americans of Japanese ancestry, never happened!!  I got this information out of my book "Weird History 101" and I learned something.  I never knew all this and never knew we were actually attacked.  I did know that German subs put spies ashore along the beaches of North Carolina.  The one thing I know for sure is that war is hell and hope that there is never any more.  But that is just a pipe dream.  There will always be "wars and rumors of wars".  Now, let us forget about war and have a very peaceable day, you hear?


  1. It's a difficult subject to comment on, for one, we can never be sure what actually happened in any war. The govt and the media will tell us whatever they want and use supposed attacks to justify getting into a war they want to get into. I question everything.

    1. Sometimes it is hard to tell what is true and what isn't. It takes years to know the truth and sometimes we never will know.

  2. There were also the unmanned fire balloons. Not very effective, but they did some damage.

    1. Thanks for mentioning the fire balloons. Japan launched thousands of them.
