Saturday, October 12, 2013

Part-2 of Wondering to Huntsville State Park.

As I promised yesterday, today I will put on some more of the pictures of Huntsville State Park that I took on last Thursday when we went up there and spent the afternoon walking a trail along the lake.  (Don't forget, you can click on the pictures to enlarge them)

Remember I showed you all the large pine trees?  Well, there were also ferns growing along the path in different places:

 Any low spot where water may be running off the hill and into the lake, had a nice board walk type bridge.  Under these bridges were trolls and alligators and ugly  monsters of all kinds. . .

We saw a couple canoeing on the upper part of the lake.  I have spent time with my canoe on this lake, too:

This is one of their fishing docks:

 And this is the boat ramp and dock:

And a picture of part of the lake:

Along the shore there were these pretty flowers blooming:

A close-up of the sign at the boat dock: 

And a sign explaining about the alligators:
Well, that is it for this day trip.  Hope you enjoyed the pictures.  If you are ever in the area, you may want to stay there or at least just go in for part of day.  Now, you all have a great Saturday, you hear?


  1. When hiking with my granddaughters and we come to a bridge, I always go ahead of them and look under the bridge checking for trolls. I don't know if they humor me or believe in the possibility of the impossible, but I get a kick out of it!

    1. I guess that is one of a Grandma's duties. Have you ever found any Trolls?

    2. I haven't actually seen them - I scare them off and they won't show their faces.

  2. There are some nasty ugly trolls under the hwy 90 bridge where it crosses Amistad Lake and they are wearing Federal Fools uniforms.

    1. Seems to me that what money is still available could be put to better use than keeping citizens out of National Parks.

  3. I'm way behind on blogs. The day I took my son to San Antonio, he was taken to the ER in horrible pain around his chest. After checking so much, they did come up with pneumonia, but there still was other things, like air in his chest cavity. To make this shorter, he was flown to Round Rock, put out til Thursday nite, and surgery done from 10pm to 2am. 1 1/2" tear in his esophagus. We just almost lost him. He's still under to keep him still, what with all the tubes, etc, hooked up and was told today it will be that way til Monday. He is lots better, and his vitals are good. I came home to get some rest, and will be back down there tomorrow, unless something changes, and then it would be at that time.
    Love your pics, like always.

    1. So sorry to hear about your son's troubles. We will keep both him and you in our thoughts and in our prayers. Keep us in informed, we care.

  4. I almost went into this park last year when I was riding around charging my battery but I did not have any camping gear to make it worthwhile to pay the entrance fee.

    It is pretty and I think worthy of a re-visit. Thank you for the pictures.

    1. I like to go to state parks, so I purchase the yearly pass. Sometimes I come out ahead and sometimes the state does. It is my fault if the State does.
