Monday, October 14, 2013

It's a holiday.

Happy Columbus day everyone.  Since I don't have a good subject to expound on, I am not going to post my usual blog today.  But, have a good day today anyway, you hear?


  1. Personally I think it's a big joke since we know for a fact that Columbus wasn't the first European to find the Americas. It isn't even a State holiday for California.

    1. You are correct on that!! But somehow it got put in the history books and the rhyme "In 1492 - Columbus sailed the ocean blue".

    2. And besides, the indiginous people who were here before us actually "discovered" America, whether they came by the land bridge from Siberia, or came in canoes or boats past Greenland. We should have a "First Nations" Day as I think Canada does.

    3. Yep, right again. I think a "First Nations" Day would be a good idea.

    4. Me too if I get the day off!

  2. WHAT! Any and every subject is a good one the way you write about things... even if I don't always understand them they make me think... and even worse... make me wonder about other subjects!

    1. Thanks for the compliment. I will try to come up with something for tomorrow. It is good to wonder about things.

  3. butterbean carpenterOctober 14, 2013 at 12:22 PM

    Howdy D&DD,

    I didn't do much, either and ain't doin' much, today !!!

    Hope y'all's Columbus Day is a HAPPY DAY and don't eat toooo many perros caliente !!!!

    1. Any day is a happy day when I get up in the morning. BTW, I had Ramon Noodles with melted extra sharp cheddar cheese melted on top and then some cottage cheese on top of that. Pretty good with a little olive oil for lubrication.

  4. Columbus didn't know where he was when he got here, didn't' know where he'd been when he got back and did it all on borrowed money.

    Must be why they named the place after Amreigo Vespucci.

    1. I have known people like that. The kind that can get lost in their own home and when they get back from an outing, don't know where they have been. I think he assumed that the money was a gift and not a loan, since I don't believe he paid it back.
